====== Journeyman ====== {{gdraw>1rX8NXI476fBT5xNDVNuIKcKXtZROKjygkhWj4pj3Z2M width=800 title="Journeyman #1" center}} {{gdraw>1WPPD1jn5PwuxZAC3A34yKpTc3BF4Mce_IcfG7RMA8xc width=800 title="Journeyman #2" center}} {{gdraw>1E_4GJuCG2czAj4a2VJYbdGYA5OPW4MKnONjN7Vhuzps width=800 title="Journeyman #3" center}} ===== Class Feature - Skill Focus ===== Choose one of the following skill areas at character generation: * Crafting * Medicine * Alchemy You gain a benefit associated with the skill area you have chosen. ==== Crafting - Upgrades ==== At the start of an encounter you can choose ONE piece of equipment. You have performed some "quick fixes" on the equipment and that item will provide ALL the benefits of a master-crafted for the duration of the encounter (including both the ability to wield it and the buffs it would give if you had the skill). If the equipment is already master-crafted then if it is a weapon then you may call +1 damage with it for the encounter, if it is armour then it gains 2 additional hits, if a shield an additional resist. ==== Medicine - Healing Hands ==== Once per an encounter you may use one of the abilities below: * LIVE DAMNIT! - By loudly shouting LIVE DAMNIT! while tending to someone who is fallen, you may instantly restore their hit points (call HEAL SIX). * SNAP OUT OF IT! - By shouting SNAP OUT OF IT! at a target within arms length of you, you may immediately remove any ongoing effect from a call. For example, by shouting SNAP OUT OF IT at someone who is under the effects of REND, the REND effect is ended prematurely. ==== Alchemy - Infused ==== Whether through testing potions on yourself, or simply being overexposed to fumes, some quantity of them courses through your blood, and you can invoke their powers with a thought. Once per encounter, so long as you have 1 or more body hits, you can immediately place yourself under the effect of any class C or D potion you know how to brew. ===== Skill Effects ===== ==== Medicine ==== === Level 1 === == Emergency Aid == You are a healer and are able to use your skills to restore hitpoints. The process of healing someone can be taxing, and by default all healing abilities (abilities which allow you to call HEAL x) will WEAKEN the character they are used on until the end of the next encounter. Healing abilities will always have a number of free uses (i.e., the number of times an encounter you can use the ability before characters start getting weakened). You cannot treat an already weakened patient unless you are using one of your free uses. Using medical abilities will also involve a number of seconds of "medical roleplay", this essentially just means physrepping your treatment but does require using two hands and a patient who is not yourself (unless the skill states otherwise). The Memento Mundi setting supports a reasonable variety of medical practices, so long as you are physically interacting with the patient (e.g., cutting, sewing, herbs, poultices, etc), spiritual healing is the domain of priests and mages. You may, with 10 seconds of medical roleplay, restore 1 HP **to a character on 0 HP**. This ability can be used as many times as necessary in an encounter without weakening the patient. == Medical Knowledge == Necessary for the diagnosis and curing of minor diseases, and for the diagnosis of addictions. Very minor diseases may well be curable with a herbal preparation. You will always be able to ease the suffering of an individual, and the use of this ability (an hour or two in a settlement) is likely to win you the favour of the locals. If you are able to study an individual currently under the effect of an addiction, you will be able to identify the source of it, and will learn the associated mechanical effects. === Level 2 === == Resuscitate == You may, with 10 seconds of medical roleplay, restore 4 HP **to a character on 0 HP**. You can also use this ability to restore anyone on less than 4hp to 4hp between encounters. You may use this ability as many times as necessary in an encounter without weakening the patient. This ability can be used on yourself, but the difficulty is much greater and cannot be achieved in combat. == Patch Up== With 10 seconds of medical roleplay, you may restore up to 6HP. You may use this ability three times without weakening the patient. This ability can be used on yourself, but the difficulty is much greater and cannot be achieved in combat. === Level 3 === == Surgery == You may, with 30 seconds of medical roleplay, fully restore a character’s HP. You may use this ability once without weakening the patient. == Special Medicine == Twice per adventure you may apply a Strengthen to a character for an encounter with ten seconds of medical roleplay. Additionally, that character may call RESIST to the first call of weaken against them. This ability can be used on yourself, but the difficulty is much greater and cannot be achieved in combat. == Combat Master == Through a series of intense experiences you have gained the ability to keep your attention split between your patients and the environment that you are in. Unlike a less experienced healer, you are able to continue to use a single-handed weapon or shield in one hand while you attempt to treat a patient with the other. === Level 4 === == Fast Work == The amount of time it takes to use skills requiring medical roleplay is halved. If you have another ability which **reduces** the time it takes to use an ability then the abilities do not combine, instead use which ever time is lower. == Patch Up == You may use the Patch Up ability an additional 3 times without weakening the patient. == Special Medicine == Two more uses per adventure === Level 5 === == Master of Biology == Once per adventure, with 60 seconds of medical roleplay you may apply the following abilities to a PC: Strengthened, +2 dodges, +2 calls of Rend, +2 calls of Shatter, +2 calls of Strikedown. The effect lasts until the end of the encounter. The effect may be applied before an encounter if the encounter is expected. This ability can be used on yourself, but the difficulty is much greater and cannot be achieved in combat. == Master Surgeon == Once per adventure, with sixty seconds of medical roleplaying, you can remove most negative physical effects from a character, including lost hits, addictions, diseases and recent violent death. If you have the Medicine: Healing Hands class feature then you may also **retire** using this ability. You push yourself to keep everyone alive, pouring your heart and soul into your work. You may use the abilities of Master Surgeon freely for the rest of the encounter (with the requisite roleplay time), keeping your allies alive and imparting part of yourself into them. Ironically, the only one you can't save is yourself, and the sheer exhaustion from the exertion will be what kills you when the encounter is over. ==== Alchemy ==== === Level 1 === == Mix Alchemy == You are an [[:Alchemy|Alchemist]] and treated as such for the purposes of taking and producing Alchemical Potions. You may mix ingredients to produce Alchemical Effects. You have 6 slots for mixing alchemy you know between adventures. You may additionally recognise any potion you know how to mix, you may choose a single Class D potion to learn how to make. In the case of poisons, you may identify the symptoms of any potion you know how to make, and provide a cure so long as you have got to the victim quickly. == Well Versed == You may recognise any standard potion, and take a good guess at the behaviour of non-standard potions. You may also recognise the symptoms of any standard alchemical poison with a thorough examination of the subject. === Level 2 === == Advanced Mixing == +3 additional potion slots for mixing between adventures == Mix Potion == This skill may be taken multiple times. Each time you take it, it represents a new potion you know how to mix. At level 2 you may take this skill once for a class C potion, and as many times as you wish for class D potions. === Level 3 === == Advanced Mixing == +3 additional potion slots for mixing between adventures == Mix Potion == This skill may be taken multiple times. Each time you take it, it represents a new potion you know how to mix. At level 3 you may take this skill once for a class B potion, and as many times as you wish for class C potions. == Extremely Well Versed == Your experience with alchemy extends to replicating the effects of other potions. With ten seconds work you may mix two different potions of the same level to produce a third potion of that level which will last until the end of the encounter. You must have had the opportunity to study this type of potion before, but do not need to know how to create it yourself. In addition, you are an experienced observer of the effects of addiction. Whenever a member of your party has to flip a coin at the end of an adventure at risk of a level 3 addiction, you learn what the effects of that addiction would have been, even if they don't develop it, unless you were separated at the end of the adventure. == Concoction == Your knowledge of Anatomy, Alchemy, and Medicine comes together in beautiful synergy. You can find herbs and minerals in your local environment to support your treatments. You can use these to treat poisons or disease, as well as aiding other treatments. Can use them to treat large numbers of people over an extended period of time where your usual resources would be insufficient. And other uses at GM discretion. If you are not using the skill for another purpose and have at least 10 minutes between encounters, it is assumed you have enough time to concoct a basic poultice capable of acting as a HEAL 2. == Advanced Application == Twice per Adventure you may use your advanced knowledge of Alchemy to apply a potion you know how to mix for additional effect. Potions giving you an effect on your next call instead give you the same effect on your next 2 calls. Potions giving you a call in the encounter give you 2 calls in the encounter. Potions giving you an effect for the duration of an encounter give the effect for the duration of 2 encounters. You skills also allow you to deal with unusual poisons, so long as you have some experience with the base of the poison (Well Versed/Extremely Well Versed for alchemical poisons, an appropriate Journeyman Knowledge or Background for Divine or Magical poisons). === Level 4 === == Advanced Mixing == +3 additional potion slots for mixing between adventures == Mix Potion == This skill may be taken multiple times. Each time you take it, it represents a new potion you know how to mix. At level 4 you may take this skill once for a class A potion, and as many times as you wish for class B potions. == Advanced Application == You gain an additional 2 uses of this ability per adventure, for a total of 4. === Level 5 === == Potency == You may specify ONE of the potions you have mixed since the last adventure as being especially potent. This potion, once drunk, acts as if you had drunk the potion at the beginning of each encounter. So for example, a potent death ward would prevent you bleeding out during the adventure, a potent sticky sap would give you one disarm per an encounter, and a potent column of destruction would result in you being unconscious for most of the rest of the adventure as you begin each encounter by exploding destruction at someone, passing out, and being unable to be revived until the encounter is over (not all potions are good choices for potency). In addition, you will learn the level 3 addiction effects of the potion chosen. If you have Medical Knowledge, then instead of making a particularly potent potion, you may instead create (for no cost) a potion which will suppress all addiction effects stemming from a particular potion or potion group for an entire adventure (for example, you could create a single potion which would suppress the effects of a Lv3 Soul Strength addiction for an entire adventure, the same potion could also be used to suppress Lv1 or 2 Passion addictions). == Mix Potion == This skill may be taken multiple times. Each time you take it, it represents a new potion you know how to mix. At level 5 you may take this skill as many times as you wish for class A potions. == Alchemical Manipulation == You know how to apply alchemical preparations for advanced and long term effects. You may do this once per an adventure. The process is slightly time consuming and is extremely difficult to do while in combat. As well as gaining a long term benefit determined by the GM (and in keeping with what the Alchemist was attempting to achieve) the target also gains a permanent alchemical addiction. Layering multiple alchemical manipulations upon a single person are likely to have negative consequences that even the most skilled alchemists cannot predict If done using a standard potion, the character gains a permanent level 3 addiction to that potion, modified as follows. Rather than needing to take a potion to suppress the downsides of the addiction for an encounter, a single dose will suppress the downsides for a whole adventure but will not provide the indulgence effect. Additional uses of this potion will trigger the indulgence effect, but will also result in the withdrawal effect returning at the end of the encounter. For the rest of the adventure the addiction would work as a standard Lv3 addiction. If using a non-standard or artefact potion, please discuss with a GM. If you have the Alchemy: Infused class feature then you may also **retire** using this ability. You and the local environment become entwined and transformed by the massive quantities of Alchemy that you can generate within your own body, applying the manipulation on a much greater scale. ==== Crafter ==== === Level 1 === == Crafter == The character can carry out field repairs to standard quality armour of all classes, and can fix shattered standard equipment with access to a smithy. You may call RENEW ZERO with 10 seconds work on an inorganic creature which is dying. === Level 2 === == Crafter == As Crafter one, but the character can repair superior equipment, and gains the ability to field repair standard weaponry and shields. With 10 seconds work on an inorganic creature on 0 hits, you may call RENEW 4 (or restore an inorganic creature UP TO 4 hits outside combat). Properly repairing weapons and shields takes about five minutes, but patchwork repairs suitable to make an item usable for the rest of an encounter can be done in 60 seconds. In addition, the character can craft a single standard item between each adventure. == Builder == You know how to build most common types of building. When purchasing [[:equipment_and_wealth#resources]] you pay only 75% of the cost to represent the purchase of materials and labour used to construct the resource yourself. You may construct resources for other characters, you pay 75% of the cost as usual and pass the resource to the other character in exchange for whatever arrangement has been worked out between your characters. == Adjustment == You may adjust up to 4 items (weapons, shields, or armour) an encounter in order to give it a single resist to a relevant call. * Weapon: Either 1x Resist Shatter or 1x Resist Disarm * Shield: Either 1x Resist Shatter, 1x Resist Disarm, or 1x Resist Strikedown * Armour: Either 1x Resist Rend or 1x Resist Strikedown === Level 3 === == Crafter == As Level 2 Crafter, but can repair master crafted equipment, and can field repair superior weaponry and shields. In addition, the character can now choose to craft EITHER two standard or one superior item between adventures. With 10 seconds work, may call RENEW 6 against an inorganic creature up to 3 times per an encounter. == Adjustment == You may adjust an additional 4 items per an encounter. == Jury Rig == The character can carry out repairs under pressure when need is dire. Twice per adventure, they can fully repair a broken item with ten seconds of appropriate role playing. At the end of the encounter, it will fall apart again, and need proper repairs before being useful. For Armour (or inorganic creatures) this is RENEW 12. === Level 4 === == Master Crafter == As Level 3 crafter, but the character can field repair any non-artefact weaponry or shields, field repair artefact armour and repair other artefact equipment in a smithy. Once per an encounter you may spend 30 seconds repairing an inorganic creature to fully restore their hit points. In addition, the character can choose to manufacture EITHER one mastercrafted, two superior or four standard items between each adventure. Mastercrafted items you have created will give you full benefits of a master crafter item when you are using them (including both the ability to wield it and the buffs it would give if you had the skill), this benefit is not gain when using master crafted items produced by someone else or when someone else is using your master crafted items. Finally, the character can contribute more effectively to the creation of artefacts. If you have the Crafting: Upgrades class feature then you may also **retire** using this ability. You pour your very soul into a final item which develops supernatural properties that resonate with your life and goals. It is not uncommon for this final act of crafting to be applied to upgrading a Legendary Item. == Fitted Armour == Once per an encounter, you may (with a few seconds work) adjust some armour to make the wearer immune to ONE of the following effects, which must be chosen in advance: Strikedown/Rend/Weaken == Balanced Weapon == Once per an encounter, you may (with a few seconds work) adjust a weapon to make it immune to ONE of the following effects, which must be chosen in advance: Disarm/Shatter == Engineer == You know how to construct complex buildings or devices (such as siege weaponry). Mostly a between adventures thing. When purchasing [[:equipment_and_wealth#resources]] you pay only 50% of the cost to represent the purchase of materials and labour used to construct the resource yourself. You may construct resources for other characters, you pay 50% of the cost as usual and pass the resource to the other character in exchange for whatever arrangement has been worked out between your characters. == Own Work == While fighting with a weapon they have crafted themselves, the Journeyman has a base damage of DOUBLE. While wearing armour they have crafted themselves, they have +2 armour hits. === Level 5 === == Perfect Enhancement == Once per adventure you may apply your Fitted Armour or Balanced Weapon skill to an item, and it will last for the entire adventure. == Legendary Item == You have crafted a thing that is very personal to you and who you are. It will be an item of equipment of at least mastercrafted quality with additional effects, the fate of which is deeply entwined with your own. ==== Other Skills ==== == Wealth == You are skilled in leveraging deals and managing ongoing operations to secure an income. Instead of the standard [[:equipment and wealth#Wealth Levels|wealth]] scale, you use the one below. ^Wealth Level ^Income^ |Wealth|27 Riel| |2|54 Riel| |3|81 Riel| |4|108 Riel| |5|135 Riel| == Operations == You can leverage your experience managing mechantile enterprises to expand your operations. You can maintain two [[:equipment_and_wealth#Resources|resources]] rather than just one. == Contacts == Choose two groups from the factions list (other than the wayfinder's guild and council). The Character has connections and influence with these groups.\\ Examples would include: Engineers guild, Circle of the Broken Wing, House Terrec, College of the Stars, etc. == Connections == You may take this skill in one of three ways (you may not take a connection with the same group twice): - The character has connections and influence among Acryn’s council. - The character has connections and influence among Acryn’s nobility. - The character has connections and influence among two specific groups. Choose two groups from the factions list (other than the wayfinder's guild and council). The Character has connections and influence with these groups. Examples would include: Engineers guild, Circle of the Broken Wing, House Terrec, College of the Stars, etc. == Well Travelled == The character has travelled widely, and can be assured of finding a local trading contact in any decently sized settlement they come to. == Journeyman Knowledge == The character has a wide breadth of knowledge on certain subjects. Choose a relatively broad subject. Your character is well informed on the ins and outs of it. == Jack of all Trades == Your character knows a relevant tidbit about almost any matter historical, academic or economic. == Tough == +2 Body Hits == Improved Skill Focus == Depending on your Skill Focus, you can gain the following improved effect: * **Crafting - Upgrades:** You may now upgrade TWO items for the duration of an encounter (per an encounter). * **Medicine - Healing Hands:** You get an additional use of this ability per an encounter. * **Alchemy - Infused:** The usage of this ability increases to either two class C or D potions in an encounter **OR** one class A or B potion in an encounter.