====== Simon Carter ====== ===== Background/Bio ===== ===== Stats ===== **Class:** * Mage * Primary - Scribing * Secondary - Consumption **Background #1:** *Arcane Archer **Background #2:** *First Aid **Skills** *__Level 1__ *Primary Rite Spell Lvl 1 - The Closed Eye *Primary Rite Spell Lvl 1 - Mind's Eye *Protomana Tolerance 1 *Implement Use *Mana Sense *Arcane Archer *__Level 2__ *Primary Rite Spell Lvl 2 - Symbol of Storms *Arcane Strike *Minor Ritual Casting *Cross-Aptitude *Primary Rite Spell Lvl 2 - Symbol of Skybreak *__Level 3__ *Primary Rite Spell Lvl 3 - Symbol of Entrenchment *Primary Rite Spell Lvl 3 - Symbol of Production ===== Inventory ===== * Standard Bow (that is also his implement) * Standard Light Armour * Substandard club * 214 Riel * Mesmirror * Shard of Destruction * HEAL 4 potion * 5 HEAL ZERO potions ===== Resources ===== *Shop ===== Status Effects ===== *Undead Quirk *(Though thanks to the power of Rowan Darrish your flesh won't fall off. You can also fulfil the need for sustenance through pain rather than blood or flesh) *Need to cause pain suppressed by Tender Blessing *Bones leave body and do the bidding of the ivory prince when asleep at night ===== Adventures ===== {{topic>:resources:adventure?"simon carter"&nouser}} {{tag>"zacsmith" "simon carter" pc}}