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artifacts [2016/12/12 20:42]
toml [Mercy (Flux Artifact)]
artifacts [2017/08/02 07:55] (current)
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 Separate from the above sources of artefacts, there is another type of artefact which can only ever be found (not created). These are the [[:​artifacts#​First Items|first]] examples of an item, which seem to hold special abilities. A FIRST item (e.g. the first bow, the first book) cannot be shattered, and is incredibly resistant to any sort of alteration. Successful alteration can have serious repercussions on the world. Separate from the above sources of artefacts, there is another type of artefact which can only ever be found (not created). These are the [[:​artifacts#​First Items|first]] examples of an item, which seem to hold special abilities. A FIRST item (e.g. the first bow, the first book) cannot be shattered, and is incredibly resistant to any sort of alteration. Successful alteration can have serious repercussions on the world.
 +As of [[resources:​adventure:​Oblitus Mundi]], any artefact (first or otherwise) can be permanently expended for a greater effect than described at GM discretion. ​ This will permanently destroy the artefact.
 ===== How are they made? ===== ===== How are they made? =====
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 The hammer may fail if used against 'the interests of Acryn'​. This includes both the general well being of the city and notably the hammer may fail against those who would seek to restore the rule of individuals,​ rather than that of a council. The GM may call damage or disarms to the person holding the item as the hammer burns in their grip. The hammer may fail if used against 'the interests of Acryn'​. This includes both the general well being of the city and notably the hammer may fail against those who would seek to restore the rule of individuals,​ rather than that of a council. The GM may call damage or disarms to the person holding the item as the hammer burns in their grip.
-==== Mercy (Flux Artifact) ==== 
-A potent Flux artifact forged by Hugh Branch. A figurehead with 5 arms, two of which are black crystal. From its surface pours a constant stream of seawater. Branches emerging from its body entwine the Crimson Mother and hold it securely in place. 
-More information on the page: [[resources:​adventure:​where_theres_a_will_theres_a_wave#​mercy_flux_artifact|Where There'​s a Will There'​s a Wave]] 
-==== The Heart of Destruction (Divine Artefact) ==== 
-A dangerous divine artefact forged by Ragnar Thane. ​ A dark metal heart wrapped in master crafted chains and manacles forged by the Builder, this houses the divine soul and will of the Destroyer. ​ More information on the page [[:​resources:​adventure:​his_greatest_work#​the_heart_of_destruction|The Heart of Destruction]] 
 ===== Other Artefacts ===== ===== Other Artefacts =====
artifacts.1481575324.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2016/12/12 20:42 by toml