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contents [2012/08/27 13:50]
contents [2018/03/04 21:29] (current)
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 +  * [[:Start]]
 +  * [[:​introlarp|What is Larp?]]
 +  * [[:​catpolicy|Acceptable Themes Policy]]
 +  * [[:​changelog|System Changelog]]
 +  * [[feedbackform|Provide Feedback]]
-[[introlarp|What is Larp?]] +----
- +
-[[Characters]]+** For Players ** 
 +  * [[:​resources:​Eternity]] 
 +  * [[:​pc|Character Information]] 
 +  * [[:​larprequests|Character Adventure Requests]] 
 +  * [[:​resources:​Adventures|Adventure Summaries]] 
 +  * [[:​resources:​timeline|Setting Timeline]] 
 +  * [[:​resources:​oc_fiction|Fiction set in the world of Memento Mundi]]
 ---- ----
-** Setting Information ** 
-[[settingintroduction|The World and the Upheaval]] 
-[[Geography]]+** Setting Information **
-[[Acryn|The City of Acryn]]+  * [[:​settingintroduction|The World and the Upheaval]] 
 +  * [[:​Geography]] 
 +  * [[:Acryn|The City of Acryn]] 
 +  * [[:​Religion|Faith and Religion]] 
 +  * [[:​Magic|Magic and the Scholarly Arts]] 
 +  * [[:​Wayfinders|Wayfinders and the Guild]] 
 +  * [[:​WiderWorld|The Wider World]] 
 +  * [[:​Language|Language]]
-[[Religion|Faith and Religion]] 
-[[Magic|Magic and the Scholarly Arts]]+**Factions**
-[[Wayfinders|Wayfinders and the Guild]] +  * [[:​factions:​The Churches]] 
- +  * [[:​factions:​The Colleges]] 
-[[WiderWorld|The Wider World]]+  ​* ​[[:​factions:​The Noble Houses]] 
 +  * [[:​factions:​Mercantile Interests]] 
 +  * [[:​factions:​The Wayfinder'​s Guild]] 
 +  * [[:​factions:​Forces of Acryn|The Forces of Acryn]] 
 +  * [[:​factions:​The Council]] 
 +  * [[:Thieves and Traitors]]
 ---- ----
Line 32: Line 52:
 ** System Information ** ** System Information **
-[[Character Creation]]+  * [[:Combat Rules]] 
 +  * [[:Character Creation]] 
 +  * [[:​Character Advancement]] 
 +  * [[:​Equipment and Wealth]] 
 +  * [[:​Alchemy]] 
 +  * [[:​Artifacts]] 
 +  * [[:Epic Trees]] 
 +  * [[:​Fighter]] 
 +  * [[:​Skirmisher]] 
 +  * [[:​PriestTypes|Priests]] 
 +    * [[:​leader_priest|The Leader]] 
 +    * [[:​tender_priest|The Tender]] 
 +    * [[:​builder_priest|The Builder]] 
 +    * [[:​warrior_priest|The Warrior]] 
 +    * [[:​traitor_priest|The Traitor]] 
 +  * [[:Mage]] 
 +  * [[:​Wayfinder]] 
 +  * [[:​Journeyman]] 
 +  * [[:​Backgrounds]] 
 +  * [[:Divine Favour]] 
 +  * [[:Combat Paths]] 
 +  * [[:​Wayfinder Insights]]
 ---- ----
Line 39: Line 85:
 ---- ----
-** Section title here **+** For GMs ** 
 +  * [[:Running an Adventure| Running an Adventure]] 
 +  * [[:​Monsters]] 
 +  * [[:Curses Addictions and Diseases|Curses,​ Addictions and Diseases]] 
 +  * [[:​Exhaustion]] 
 +  * [[resources:​Geography|Geography]] 
 +  * [[resources:​NPCS|NPCs]] 
 +  * [[resources:​Adventures|Adventures]] 
 +  * [[:Editing the Wiki]] 
-[[Random Link]] 
 ---- ----
 +** Real World **
 +  * [[:​safety_rules|Safety Rules]]
 +  * [[:Social Contract]]
 +  * [[:Meeting Place]]
 +  * [[:Mailing Lists]]
contents.1346075425.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/14 21:08 (external edit)