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factions:the_noble_houses [2013/11/13 22:24]
factions:the_noble_houses [2015/05/14 21:08] (current)
Line 57: Line 57:
 === Known members === === Known members ===
-{{topic>​pc npc +family salic&​nouser}}+{{topic>​pc npc +family_salic&​nouser}}
 ==== Cargan ==== ==== Cargan ====
 House Crest: A Rooster House Crest: A Rooster
-House Cargan made the fatal error of choosing the wrong side come the revolution. They somewhat salvaged this by spotting the turning of the tide in time for a significant number of them to flee the city. House Cargan had always had significant contacts and holdings across the eastern ocean, and it was to these they fled, far beyond the reach of the common man, and far enough away that the newly convened council ​ never quite achieved the impetus needed to hunt them down and wipe them out - especially as the rulers of Valyyd made it clear that they would not countenance a continuation of a foreign power struggle within their dominion. House Cargan survived, therefore, in significant numbers to rebuild a power base. For a long time, the people of Acryn paid them no heed, far away as they were. In the last ten years, however, the family has gotten bolder, with several members establishing an estate and trading emporium on the isle of Thys, and making overtures to Acryn merchants. Hastily established laws made trading with the family illegal for citizens, but given the web of commerce on the island such laws were essentially impossible to enforce, go-betweens being found for those willing to take the Cargan ​Acra. Up until the Upheaval, the presence of the Cargans remained a hotly debated subject in the council. The difficulty in reaching Thys since, and the troubles faced by the city closer to home, has taken many minds off them, but some few have pointed out that, now the Thys outpost of the family is cut off from the rest, the moment would be ripe to do something about this persistent thorn in the city's side.+House Cargan made the fatal error of choosing the wrong side come the revolution. They somewhat salvaged this by spotting the turning of the tide in time for a significant number of them to flee the city. House Cargan had always had significant contacts and holdings across the eastern ocean, and it was to these they fled, far beyond the reach of the common man, and far enough away that the newly convened council ​ never quite achieved the impetus needed to hunt them down and wipe them out - especially as the rulers of Valyyd made it clear that they would not countenance a continuation of a foreign power struggle within their dominion. House Cargan survived, therefore, in significant numbers to rebuild a power base. For a long time, the people of Acryn paid them no heed, far away as they were. In the last ten years, however, the family has gotten bolder, with several members establishing an estate and trading emporium on the isle of Thys, and making overtures to Acryn merchants. Hastily established laws made trading with the family illegal for citizens, but given the web of commerce on the island such laws were essentially impossible to enforce, go-betweens being found for those willing to take the Cargan ​Riel. Up until the Upheaval, the presence of the Cargans remained a hotly debated subject in the council. The difficulty in reaching Thys since, and the troubles faced by the city closer to home, has taken many minds off them, but some few have pointed out that, now the Thys outpost of the family is cut off from the rest, the moment would be ripe to do something about this persistent thorn in the city's side.
 === Known members === === Known members ===
 {{topic>​pc npc +family_cargan&​nouser}} {{topic>​pc npc +family_cargan&​nouser}}
factions/the_noble_houses.1384381465.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/14 21:09 (external edit)