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resources:adventure:harlons_folly [2013/12/16 22:49]
olivers [Level 4]
resources:adventure:harlons_folly [2013/12/17 20:25]
olivers [Level 5]
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 Some craftsmen are masters and their works are the talk of cities. Some truly great craftsmen however transcend history to become the creators of artifacts of legend and though their names may be forgotten their works ensure that their genius will echo through the ages.  Some craftsmen are masters and their works are the talk of cities. Some truly great craftsmen however transcend history to become the creators of artifacts of legend and though their names may be forgotten their works ensure that their genius will echo through the ages. 
-This tree is based around the idea that the craftsman ​of legend will work toward the creation of a single, utterly peerless creation (normally a weapon). As such these skills can only ever be used once, the skill representing the pinnacle of the craftsman ​skill which can only be reached once in their life. +This tree is based around the idea that the Smith of legend will work toward the creation of a single, utterly peerless creation (normally a weapon). As such these skills can only ever be used once on a single item (though each one can be used on a different item, and they can be used to upgrade existing items), the skills ​representing the pinnacle of the craftsman ​ability ​which can only be reached once in their life. It compatible with the '​legendary item' skill, with the normal assumption that any smith worth their salt would create their legendary item and then refine it with the skills in this tree.
 ===Level 3=== ===Level 3===
 ==Perfected Edge== ==Perfected Edge==
 +Pre-req: Master Craftsman ​
 Some merely sharpen a blade, but a master knows that the perfect edge must be intrinsic to the weapon, created at the moment of its forging. ​ Some merely sharpen a blade, but a master knows that the perfect edge must be intrinsic to the weapon, created at the moment of its forging. ​
-Once the weapon is created its razor cuts light into rainbows it is so sharp, and any person foolish enough to attempt to test their own edge against it will find their weapon wanting.+Once the weapon is created its razor edge cuts light into rainbows it is so sharp, and any person foolish enough to attempt to test their own edge against it will find their own weapon wanting.
 Mechanically,​ the weapon you forge with this skill may call a SHATTER against anyone who attempts to disarm it as their own weapon is simply cut in two as it meets this weapon. Mechanically,​ the weapon you forge with this skill may call a SHATTER against anyone who attempts to disarm it as their own weapon is simply cut in two as it meets this weapon.
 ==Tempered for Eternity== ==Tempered for Eternity==
 +Pre-req: Master Craftsman ​
 Against the ravages of age the works of lesser smiths rust or rot away. The item created with this skill is inured to the ravages of time and will endure where other works are found wanting. Against the ravages of age the works of lesser smiths rust or rot away. The item created with this skill is inured to the ravages of time and will endure where other works are found wanting.
 The item created with this skill becomes permanently IMMUNE to SHATTER, and will survive virtually anything,​from being hurled into a volcano to being eaten by a tyrant lizard. Nothing short of ritual magic can destroy it permanently. The item created with this skill becomes permanently IMMUNE to SHATTER, and will survive virtually anything,​from being hurled into a volcano to being eaten by a tyrant lizard. Nothing short of ritual magic can destroy it permanently.
 ===Level 4=== ===Level 4===
-==Impossible Arts==+==Maker'​s Mark== 
 +Pre-req: Master Craftsman 
 +You are a master of your art, your skills the stuff of legend. A weapon baring your mark is a thing of beauty and terror. Admired by those who see it and feared by those it is turned against. 
 +When held aloft above the head of its wielder, the weapon created with this skill may strike people dumb with its beauty or fill the wielder'​s enemies with terror. Once per encounter the wielder may call a MASS FEAR, as long as they hold the weapon aloft for all to see for 10 seconds (during which time they can do nothing else and preferably catching the light in a dramatic way). Those who see it will cower or flee before it as the situation dictates.
 ==The Riddle of Steel== ==The Riddle of Steel==
 +Pre-req: Master Craftsman
 The master smith knows that steel is only as strong as the flesh that wields it. A truly great weapon must be wielded by its true owner, created for them and only them. In their hands it will have no rival. The master smith knows that steel is only as strong as the flesh that wields it. A truly great weapon must be wielded by its true owner, created for them and only them. In their hands it will have no rival.
-With this skill the smith chooses a person (which may be themselves) when that person wields the weapon this skill is applied to they gain a DODGE and three times per encounter they may call +1 damage, which stacks with other damage modifiers.+With this skill the smith chooses a person(which may be themselves)when that person wields the weapon this skill is applied to they gain a DODGE and three times per encounter they may call +1 damage, which stacks with other damage modifiers. ​
 ===Level 5=== ===Level 5===
-==Masterpiece==+==Forged Destiny== 
 +Pre-req: Master Craftsman  
 +A true artist has within them a single work of such transcendent,​ flawless perfection that it may never again by recreated. Once, and once ever, the master smith may forge such a thing: a weapon of destiny, created with a purpose and named toward that end.  
 +As they pull it from the forge, the smith names their weapon and in so doing gives it purpose. All who see the weapon will know it for what it is and rumour of it will spread gradually throughout the known world. In their naming of their creation the smith gives it a destiny, one which it will achieve (though how it does so is GM dependant). For example, a smith who named their weapon '​Kingslayer'​ could set upon the it the destiny of killing the King, with the knowledge that somehow that would come to pass.
 +In making their masterpiece the smith'​s a large part of the smith passes into the weapon and their creative spark flickers out, for after the creation of such an artefact forging anything else would seem a pale shadow by comparison. They may never again use any craftsman related skill, other than to repair broken items. ​
 {{tag>"​harlons folly" adventure "prof black" "the magisterium" ​ Harlon_Quirk ​ Jarred_Samuels ​ Reginald_Drake ​ "​draconic doewemers" ​ Alastair_Fitzgrave "​capt_hopkins"​ "​dragonborn"​ "​harlon s folly"​}} {{tag>"​harlons folly" adventure "prof black" "the magisterium" ​ Harlon_Quirk ​ Jarred_Samuels ​ Reginald_Drake ​ "​draconic doewemers" ​ Alastair_Fitzgrave "​capt_hopkins"​ "​dragonborn"​ "​harlon s folly"​}}
resources/adventure/harlons_folly.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/14 21:08 (external edit)