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resources:adventure:the_dragonskin_grimoire [2013/04/27 22:30]
olivers [Metaphysical deformities]
resources:adventure:the_dragonskin_grimoire [2013/05/12 00:35]
olivers [Arch-Mage Epic Tree]
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 The party press on, now on the trail of ‘Vulstragorn'​s Crimson Key’, the spell made, and made famous, by the legendary noble-adventurer-wizard Vulstragorn. Following another tenuous lead the party track down Tourmal Darrish, a collector of Vulstragorn memorabilia. He has in his possession Vulstragorn'​s puzzle box. Gidner solves the puzzle and the party are transported elsewhere, both within the cube and seemingly beyond the bounds of normal reality. It seems Vulstragorn,​ growing tired of fame, retreated into research, eventually creating and becoming the jade cube. Within the realm of the cube he seems to possess essentially limitless power but is terribly terribly bored and is rather pleased to finally have someone to talk to. Unfortunately he's a bit sensitive about his eponymous spell and would rather be remembered for his academic research. After some trials of wit and daring-do he gives the party access to the spell, but only if they promise to ensure he gets some company. They agree to take him to the College of Stars where no doubt they will be keen to have a legendary (all be it cubic) arch-mage on staff. The party press on, now on the trail of ‘Vulstragorn'​s Crimson Key’, the spell made, and made famous, by the legendary noble-adventurer-wizard Vulstragorn. Following another tenuous lead the party track down Tourmal Darrish, a collector of Vulstragorn memorabilia. He has in his possession Vulstragorn'​s puzzle box. Gidner solves the puzzle and the party are transported elsewhere, both within the cube and seemingly beyond the bounds of normal reality. It seems Vulstragorn,​ growing tired of fame, retreated into research, eventually creating and becoming the jade cube. Within the realm of the cube he seems to possess essentially limitless power but is terribly terribly bored and is rather pleased to finally have someone to talk to. Unfortunately he's a bit sensitive about his eponymous spell and would rather be remembered for his academic research. After some trials of wit and daring-do he gives the party access to the spell, but only if they promise to ensure he gets some company. They agree to take him to the College of Stars where no doubt they will be keen to have a legendary (all be it cubic) arch-mage on staff.
-Next the party are sent to track down perhaps the most feared of all the rituals of legend; ‘The Killing Sphere of Oooberous’,​ renowned for destroying the ancient city of Cheb, and slaying virtually every sorcerer who has ever summoned it. It seems the mage Arthur Dent rediscovered the spell recently before being killed by it and is likely buried with a copy of it. Time for some grave robbing. The party descend on the garden of the Tender, while Eric goes to the temple of the tender to smooth over the inevitable diplomatic fall-out. To their surprise the party find the spell gone. Revolutionaries having tunnelled up from the sewers and stolen it. The party find the anarchists in the middle of trying to summon the deadliest of all spheres into an emergency session of the Council. Disaster is only averted when the sphere turns upon its summoner and the party are able to banish it...but not before its eldritch blades tear into Gidner'​s very soul; wounding him in a way that should not be. His attempts to aid the party with a dream vision unfortunately reveal his fractured soul to them; causing much horror.+Next the party are sent to track down perhaps the most feared of all the rituals of legend; ‘The Killing Sphere of Oooberous’,​ renowned for destroying the ancient city of Cheb, and slaying virtually every sorcerer who has ever summoned it. It seems the mage [[resources:​adventure:​wizard_battle|Arthur Dent]] rediscovered the spell recently before being killed by it and is likely buried with a copy of it. Time for some grave robbing. The party descend on the garden of the Tender, while Eric goes to the temple of the tender to smooth over the inevitable diplomatic fall-out. To their surprise the party find the spell gone. Revolutionaries having tunnelled up from the sewers and stolen it. The party find the anarchists in the middle of trying to summon the deadliest of all spheres into an emergency session of the Council. Disaster is only averted when the sphere turns upon its summoner and the party are able to banish it...but not before its eldritch blades tear into Gidner'​s very soul; wounding him in a way that should not be. His attempts to aid the party with a dream vision unfortunately reveal his fractured soul to them; causing much horror.
 With four of the Draconic Doewemers recovered the party rest. During the night Harlon uses his own magic to copy the spells from the Dragonskin Grimoire, burning them into his own mind. The wards on the Grimoire do not approve of this and the resulting firestorm destroys much of the People'​s College'​s administration department. With four of the Draconic Doewemers recovered the party rest. During the night Harlon uses his own magic to copy the spells from the Dragonskin Grimoire, burning them into his own mind. The wards on the Grimoire do not approve of this and the resulting firestorm destroys much of the People'​s College'​s administration department.
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 **Jarred:** **Jarred:**
-  * Strange black armour made from an usual material+  * Strange black armour made from an unusual ​material
   * A Spine Sword made from the spine of the undead champion of Dammerung the Undying: mastercrafted,​ grants +1 weaken per encounter, once per adventurer it animates like a writhing snake granting 5 disarms.   * A Spine Sword made from the spine of the undead champion of Dammerung the Undying: mastercrafted,​ grants +1 weaken per encounter, once per adventurer it animates like a writhing snake granting 5 disarms.
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 A necromantic scar. It is deathly cold to the touch.\\ ​ A necromantic scar. It is deathly cold to the touch.\\ ​
-{{tag>"​the dragonskin grimoire"​ adventure "prof black" "the magisterium"​ Carl_Terrec Harlon_Quirk Eric_Luckner Jarred_Samuels Reginald_Drake Gidner_Waycox Chiara_Walker}}+====Arch-Mage Epic Tree==== 
 +You have learned the deeper secrets of the arcane and in so doing mastered the art to a level that few mortal magi ever have. 
 +==Level 4== 
 +**Protomana Mastery** 
 +You have transcended the limits of most mortal magic users, your understanding of the fundamental nature of the arcane allows you to draw upon the powers of magic to a greater extent than lesser mages. You can cast one additional spell per encounter using proto-mana before suffering a scouring. 
 +Such is your skill that you may weave a simple protective magic appropriate to your rite at a moments notice, negating magic unleashed against you. By expending a protomana you may call a RESIST against spells targeted at yourself. Spells that effect multiple targets will still effect the remaining targets.  
 +==Level 5== 
 +**Create Draconic Doewemer** 
 +Once and once only you may consume a powdered mana crystal and enter a dreamless meditation; opening your mind to the Dragon(s) associated with your rite(s). As the dragon touches your mind you will have a flash of inspiration;​ a work of magic shaped by the will of a dragon itself. When you awake you will be able to forge a Draconic Doewemer (in negotiation with the LARPO), a magical ritual of truly titanic power,​ capable of achieving utterly unique effects. Whatever the spell, it will inevitably become a thing of magical legend, your name inextricably associated with it. 
 +Using this ability is likely to affect your sanity. 
 +**Cast Forth the Dragon'​s Roar** 
 +Once per adventure you may attune yourself to the flows and ebbs of mana through the world, doubling the protomana you may use during that encounter as your eyes are filled with blue fire. The effort is physically and mentally exhausting and for the next encounter you are WEAKENED and cannot cast any spell without suffering a scouring. 
 +Alternatively,​ having reached the limits of the magical mastery of mortals you may; at the pinnacle of your career and at a time of great need; with 30 seconds of meditation; open your mind fully to the power of the dragon that rules your rite. As you do so you will be wreathed in a maelstrom of pure boiling mana.  
 +Your spells no longer require components and require no more than a moment to cast. You also have a limitless supply of protomana to draw upon, while any magic cast against you is boiled away harmlessly (you may call RESIST against any magical effect). 
 +After 1 minute passes you are utterly consumed by the arcane forces you have unleashed in a final explosion that deals a MASS TRIPLE STRIKEDOWN. 
 +{{tag>"​the dragonskin grimoire"​ adventure "prof black" "the magisterium"​ Carl_Terrec Harlon_Quirk Eric_Luckner Jarred_Samuels Reginald_Drake Gidner_Waycox Chiara_Walker ​"​draconic doewemers"​}}
resources/adventure/the_dragonskin_grimoire.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/14 21:08 (external edit)