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resources:fic:a_matter_of_traitors [2016/02/01 20:23]
resources:fic:a_matter_of_traitors [2016/02/01 20:24] (current)
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-====== ​A Matter ​of Traitors ======+====== ​Matters ​of Traitors ======
-//(Set in the middle of the debrief for A Matter ​of Trade.)// ​+//(Set in the middle of the debrief for Matters ​of Trade.)// ​
 Armand sits, enveloped in shadow, at his escritoire: hands stretched out, cupped, before him. A single lamp at his desk provides scant illumination,​ as fear of the dark - however justified - he has reasoned, is a pitiful trait that he disdains to acquire. ​ Armand sits, enveloped in shadow, at his escritoire: hands stretched out, cupped, before him. A single lamp at his desk provides scant illumination,​ as fear of the dark - however justified - he has reasoned, is a pitiful trait that he disdains to acquire. ​
resources/fic/a_matter_of_traitors.1454358189.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/02/01 20:23 by emmab