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resources:upcomingadventures [2018/01/05 08:34]
resources:upcomingadventures [2018/01/08 09:09]
Line 1: Line 1:
 | ^Date^GM^Level^Title^Brief^ | ^Date^GM^Level^Title^Brief^
-^Out of term|06/​01/​2018 |Dan|Mid or High depending on player interest|In Termino|Powerful people within the city react to recent disasters in order to secure Humanity'​s future.| +^Hilary|13/01/2018 \\ [[http://​​|Animus Playtest]] \\ 0th Week | Mat & Seb | Lv 2 & Lv 5 | Blood Games| Players are recruited to participate in the annual Games at the height of the Conflict Conjunction| 
-^:::|13/01/2018 \\ [[http://​​|Animus Playtest]] \\ 0th Week | Mat & Seb | Lv 2 & Lv 5 | Blood Games| Players are recruited to participate in the annual Games at the height of the Conflict Conjunction| +^:::|20/01/2018 \\ [[http://​​|Curiosity Playtest]] \\ 1st Week |Mike, Jasper, Matilda| |[[http://​​|Curiosity]] 2nd Playtest| |
-^Hilary|20/01/2018 \\ [[http://​​|Curiosity Playtest]] \\ 1st Week |Mike, Jasper, Matilda| |[[http://​​|Curiosity]] 2nd Playtest| |+
 ^:::​|27/​01/​2018 \\ 2nd Week |Matt| | | | ^:::​|27/​01/​2018 \\ 2nd Week |Matt| | | |
 ^:::​|03/​02/​2018 \\ Moonrise Playtest((https://​​Z4yh2u2FBJsmP)) \\ 3rd Week |Chaos| |Moonrise 3rd Playtest| | ^:::​|03/​02/​2018 \\ Moonrise Playtest((https://​​Z4yh2u2FBJsmP)) \\ 3rd Week |Chaos| |Moonrise 3rd Playtest| |
resources/upcomingadventures.txt · Last modified: 2018/02/25 11:43 by toml