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skirmisher [2012/09/23 17:44]
skirmisher [2015/05/14 21:08] external edit
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 ====== Skirmisher ====== ====== Skirmisher ======
-{{gdraw>​1nvu2fcd0UkpRMu6EqvCdJriEuQO9ht8K15zWUoX2ZTc width=800 title="​test title" center}} +{{gdraw>​1nvu2fcd0UkpRMu6EqvCdJriEuQO9ht8K15zWUoX2ZTc width=800 title="​Skirmisher Weapon Skills" center}} 
-{{gdraw>​1m-e56OUGz3yOd726SkdIDoVArEN0shd4CeiNu2opMeg width=800 title="​test title" center}} +{{gdraw>​1m-e56OUGz3yOd726SkdIDoVArEN0shd4CeiNu2opMeg width=800 title="​Skirmisher Ability Skills #1" center}} 
-{{gdraw>​1EtPCOK3RPU5a3gE29NVH6gD3vLKgz8ScZlOgKG0mcTk width=800 title="​test title" center}}+{{gdraw>​1EtPCOK3RPU5a3gE29NVH6gD3vLKgz8ScZlOgKG0mcTk width=800 title="​Skirmisher Ability Skills #2" center}} 
 +===== Skirmishers and being 'in motion'​ ===== 
 +Unlike a fighter who tends to fight by taking on a single opponent at a time, standing their ground and wearing them down; a skirmisher fights many at once, using their enemies as shields and sowing confusion so that their compatriots can mop up. 
 +Many of the Skirmisher abilities require you to be "in motion"​. What this means is that you are not focussing all of your attacks on a single target and are instead moving through combat selecting different targets as you go. On an OC note this restriction largely exists because it is not fun for monsters to have to fight an immortal & invulnerable player (even if this invulnerability only lasts 5 to 10 seconds), but it also looks ridiculous. 
 +When a Skirmisher ability requires you to be "in motion"​ you: 
 +  * **Cannot** use them while standing your ground in a one on one fight (dodging blows from one person chasing you or who you're running past is fine). 
 +  * **Cannot** use them while fighting as part of a shield wall 
 +  * **Should not** make more than 2 sequential attacks against the same target 
 +  * **Must** still roleplay avoiding blows in combat.
 ===== Class Feature - Agility ===== ===== Class Feature - Agility =====
 +Skirmishers have the ability to perform sudden bursts of activity, whether leaping to a new firing position or tumbling through the opponents lines in a whirl of blades. Once per encounter and while //in motion// you can choose to DODGE all weapon blows that strike you for the next five seconds. If any effect grants you a second use of this ability, you must leave ten clear seconds between usages. If you are hit with any ranged or direct effects (e.g., the ZERO REND from a Share the Pain spell) it will take affect immediately at the end of your 5 seconds agility.
 +===== Combat Paths =====
 +Skirmishers can choose one [[:​combat_paths|Combat Path]] to add to their skill tree, the first skill is free but further skills in the Path must be bought as usual.
-Skirmishers have the ability to perform sudden bursts of activitywhether leaping to a new firing position or tumbling through ​the opponents lines in a whirl of blades. Once per encounter, ​you can choose to DODGE all weapon blows that strike you for the next five seconds. If any effect grants you a second use of this ability, you must leave ten clear seconds between usages.+===== Weapon Skills ===== 
 +You may choose a single weapon background, the skills ​in this background are available for purchasing as if you had bought ​the background normally.
 ===== Skill Effects ===== ===== Skill Effects =====
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 === Bow Mastery 2 === === Bow Mastery 2 ===
 You may call TRIPLE with a bow or crossbow, which may be combined with effect calls. You may call TRIPLE with a bow or crossbow, which may be combined with effect calls.
-=== Poison Arrow Mastery === 
-Once per an encounter you may call THROUGH POISON with a bow or crossbow. Please tell the Ref and the end of the encounter. 
 === Cracking Shot === === Cracking Shot ===
 Once per encounter you may call SHATTER after hitting a shield with an arrow or bolt. Once per encounter you may call SHATTER after hitting a shield with an arrow or bolt.
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 All dagger calls may be used with thrown daggers in addition to their melee use, unless otherwise specified. All dagger calls may be used with thrown daggers in addition to their melee use, unless otherwise specified.
-=== Knife Fighter ​=== +=== Use Dagger ​=== 
-You may call SINGLE ​THROUGH with daggers.+You may add THROUGH ​to your base damage ​with a dagger.
 === Dagger Mastery 1 === === Dagger Mastery 1 ===
 You gain one dodge while fighting with a dagger in either hand. You gain one dodge while fighting with a dagger in either hand.
 === Dagger Mastery 2 === === Dagger Mastery 2 ===
-You gain one dodge while fighting ​with a dagger in either hand+You may call DOUBLE THROUGH ​with daggers
-=== One With Your Dagger ​===+=== One With Your Dagger ===
 You may resist all SHATTERS and DISARMS called on any dagger you hold. You may resist all SHATTERS and DISARMS called on any dagger you hold.
 === Dagger Talent 1  === === Dagger Talent 1  ===
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 === Dagger Talent 2 === === Dagger Talent 2 ===
 You gain one REND call and one WEAKEN call per encounter while fighting with a dagger in either hand. If you fight with a melee dagger in each hands, you gain this effect for both. You gain one REND call and one WEAKEN call per encounter while fighting with a dagger in either hand. If you fight with a melee dagger in each hands, you gain this effect for both.
-=== Dagger Supremacy ​===+=== Dagger Supremacy ===
 You may call TRIPLE THROUGH with a dagger. You may call TRIPLE THROUGH with a dagger.
 === Poisoned Dagger Use === === Poisoned Dagger Use ===
-You are adept at applying alchemical paste to daggers for melee fighting. ​Once applied, ​you may choose which blow the alchemical paste’s effect is used on (without this skill, the effect applies on the next blow struck). +You are adept at applying alchemical paste to daggers for melee fighting. ​Twice per an adventure ​you may use an alchemical paste that you have applied ​to your weapon on your next 3 blows.
-=== Poisoned Dagger Efficiency ​ === +
-Each time you apply an alchemical paste to a dagger, you may use that effect TWICE. +
-=== Poison Mastery === +
-Once per encounter, ​you may add THROUGH POISON ​to your damage call. This is in exception to normal rules regarding combining calls.+
 === Ambidextrous === === Ambidextrous ===
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 ==== Other Skills ==== ==== Other Skills ====
-=== Hardy === +
- You have +1 body hit+
 === Tough === === Tough ===
 You have +2 body hits You have +2 body hits
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 === Nimble === === Nimble ===
 You have +1 dodge per encounter. You have +1 dodge per encounter.
-=== Light Footed ​=== +=== Escape Artist ​=== 
-You may resist one STRIKEDOWN ​per encounter.+You may call IMMUNE to ENTANGLE. You may trivially slip out of mundane bonds like rope, handcuffs, or manacles. Arcane bindings are a different story, and will usually be capable of keeping you bound unless you have some additional tricks up your sleeve (basically arcane bounds work or not at GM discretion). 
 +=== Agile Skirmisher === 
 +You may call IMMUNE to all STRIKEDOWN ​calls, and ignore the strikedown effectYou still suffer any damage component of the call. 
 === Larceny === === Larceny ===
 You have basic criminal talents, such as lockpicking or sneaking past a sleepy guard at night. You have basic criminal talents, such as lockpicking or sneaking past a sleepy guard at night.
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 You may now use your backstab calls with any bladed weapon up to 36”. You may now use your backstab calls with any bladed weapon up to 36”.
 === Getaway === === Getaway ===
-After backstabbing a target, you may call DODGE against ALL blows that strike you for three seconds.+After backstabbing a target ​and while //in motion//, you may call DODGE against ALL blows that strike you for three seconds.
 === Edificier === === Edificier ===
-You are a skilled climber. The effects of this are at GM discretion, but it’s very useful for breaking and entering.+You are a skilled climber. The effects of this are at GM discretion, but it’s very useful for breaking and entering. Additionally,​ you may use any skill which requires an appropriate terrain in an urban environment.
 === Flanking === === Flanking ===
 You are skilled at stealthily ranging ahead of the party and getting into prime positions. Any time a combat starts that is not a sudden surprise to your party, you may choose to begin the encounter in cover away from the main party. Monsters will usually not notice you until you move or take an offensive action. You are skilled at stealthily ranging ahead of the party and getting into prime positions. Any time a combat starts that is not a sudden surprise to your party, you may choose to begin the encounter in cover away from the main party. Monsters will usually not notice you until you move or take an offensive action.
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 You gain an additional use of your Agility class feature per encounter. You gain an additional use of your Agility class feature per encounter.
 === Survivalist === === Survivalist ===
-As long as you are travelling through relatively normal terrain (woods, plains, tracks, hills etc.) you never receive any penalties for extended travel, and can keep party members happy for longer on the road. +As long as you are travelling through relatively normal terrain (woods, plains, tracks, hills etc.), and somewhat more challenging ones (dense forests, mountains) you never receive any penalties for extended travel, and can keep party members happy for longer on the road. You will also find it easier ​to hunttrack, and otherwise function in these terrainsYou gain a DODGE while in any of these terrains. 
-=== Advanced Survivalist === +
-As above, but applied ​to harsher terrains (mountainsdeserts etc.).+
 === Master Survivalist === === Master Survivalist ===
-As above, but pretty much anywhere, up to and including the lip of an active ​volcano. +You can lead a trek through ​pretty much anywhere ​mundane, up to and including ​frozen tundra, searing deserts and the lip of volcano ​that's rumbling ominouslyIn addition, ​you can occasionally seize an advantage from the terrain ​- three times per adventure, when you DODGE an attackyou can immediately make the call you were struck with back at the attacker.
-=== Good Footing === +
-As long as you have a Survivalist skill sufficient to cover the terrain you’re travelling ingain a dodge.+
 === Guide === === Guide ===
-As long as you have a Survivalist skill sufficient to cover the terrain you’re travelling in, the whole party gains a dodge. For you, this DOES stack with good footing.+As long as you have a Survivalist skill sufficient to cover the terrain you’re travelling in, the whole party gains a dodge. For you, this is in ADDITION to the one you get from Survivalist.
 === Using the Land === === Using the Land ===
-As long as you have a Survivalist skill sufficient to cover the terrain you’re travelling in, gain one STRIKEDOWN ​per encounter.+As long as you have a Survivalist skill sufficient to cover the terrain you’re travelling in, gain one ENTANGLE ​per encounter ​that can be called at anyone within five metres.
 === Whirling Dervish === === Whirling Dervish ===
 As long as you are in terrain you have an appropriate survivalist skill for, your Agility class feature'​s duration increases to TEN seconds. As long as you are in terrain you have an appropriate survivalist skill for, your Agility class feature'​s duration increases to TEN seconds.
skirmisher.txt · Last modified: 2017/07/10 12:13 by toml