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user:jamesg:pc:gerard_vidati [2015/10/10 10:48]
user:jamesg:pc:gerard_vidati [2017/03/18 11:52] (current)
jamesg [Stats]
Line 19: Line 19:
   * minor ritualist   * minor ritualist
   * college contacts   * college contacts
 +  * sapping steel
 +  * tough
 +  * protomana tolerance 2
 +  * disarming blow
 +  * advanced subdual
 +  * arcane learnings
 +  * 
 +  * Mace
 +  * Small mace (dagger)
 +  * Medium shield
 +  * Light armour
 +  * 
 +  * 5x plug
 +  * 4x restoration
 +  * 2x mana crystal
 +  * 6 riel
 +==== Addictions ====
 +  * Suspension 3 restoration
 ===== Adventures ===== ===== Adventures =====
 {{topic>:​resources:​adventure?"​gerard vidati"&​nouser}} {{topic>:​resources:​adventure?"​gerard vidati"&​nouser}}
 {{tag>"​jamesg"​ "​gerard vidati"​ pc}} {{tag>"​jamesg"​ "​gerard vidati"​ pc}}
user/jamesg/pc/gerard_vidati.1444474105.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/10/10 10:48 by jamesg