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wayfinder [2012/09/23 17:45]
jamesg created
wayfinder [2015/05/14 21:08] external edit
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 +====== Public ======
- +{{gdraw>​1l1eIX18yTw6ROON6NaLHLDU0tAtDcLXFt5IrQF7JPx8 width=800 title="​Wayfinding" center}} 
-{{gdraw>​1l1eIX18yTw6ROON6NaLHLDU0tAtDcLXFt5IrQF7JPx8 width=800 title="​test title" center}} +{{gdraw>​1Cotp-fQgjEZ-WM5-TkwZ-ZCkeytL4cyj2lp559a9ngs width=800 title="​Other Wayfinder Skills" center}}
-{{gdraw>​1Cotp-fQgjEZ-WM5-TkwZ-ZCkeytL4cyj2lp559a9ngs width=800 title="​test title" center}}+
 ===== Class Feature - Wayfinding ===== ===== Class Feature - Wayfinding =====
 You have the ability to manipulate and find routes through the Flux, the extent of which increases as you gain experience. You begin play with the "Find the Path" Skill. Many Wayfinder abilities will require you to have at least one hand free to make appropriate gestures as you focus your will. You have the ability to manipulate and find routes through the Flux, the extent of which increases as you gain experience. You begin play with the "Find the Path" Skill. Many Wayfinder abilities will require you to have at least one hand free to make appropriate gestures as you focus your will.
 +====Wayfinder Insights====
 +Wayfinders with access to level 3 skills can begin to purchase skills from one of the [[:​Wayfinder Insights]] trees.
 ====Skills==== ====Skills====
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 Once awakened to their talents, wayfinders gain an instinctive ability to navigate through the Flux. Possession of this skill allows a wayfinder to lead a group both through the Flux in an efficient manner, and to find a route to a patch of Consensus given a description of its location. Once awakened to their talents, wayfinders gain an instinctive ability to navigate through the Flux. Possession of this skill allows a wayfinder to lead a group both through the Flux in an efficient manner, and to find a route to a patch of Consensus given a description of its location.
 === Repair the Form === === Repair the Form ===
-The first art of Flux Manipulation wayfinder’s pick up is the ability to gradually speed their own healing while within it. While travelling within the Flux, you restore 2 body hits between each encounter.+The first art of Flux Manipulation wayfinder’s pick up is the ability to gradually speed their own healing while within it. While travelling within the Flux, you restore 2 body hits between each encounter. If the Wayfinder is not wounded, they can instead strengthen their body up to one hit higher than normal.
 === Know the Flux’s Touch === === Know the Flux’s Touch ===
 A Wayfinder can sense the presence of creations forged from the flux, be they objects created by another wayfinder, or a “living” being temporarily spat forth by it. A Wayfinder can sense the presence of creations forged from the flux, be they objects created by another wayfinder, or a “living” being temporarily spat forth by it.
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 The Wayfinder gains some sense of the stabilisation of the Flux on the edge of their perception as they travel through it, and an ability to exert their will over this process. While they cannot cause entirely incongrous terrain to appear, they can nudge reality such that anything that would broadly fit the location lines the road ahead of them. Invaluable for traveling caravans. Mechanically,​ the Wayfinder can choose terrain to favour the party such that all travelling with them receive a DODGE per encounter. The Wayfinder gains some sense of the stabilisation of the Flux on the edge of their perception as they travel through it, and an ability to exert their will over this process. While they cannot cause entirely incongrous terrain to appear, they can nudge reality such that anything that would broadly fit the location lines the road ahead of them. Invaluable for traveling caravans. Mechanically,​ the Wayfinder can choose terrain to favour the party such that all travelling with them receive a DODGE per encounter.
 === Repairing Inertial Barrier === === Repairing Inertial Barrier ===
-The Wayfinder’s ability to repair their barrier speeds considerably. By holding an empty hand to their chest, they can repair one armour point on their barrier every five seconds. ​You cannot heal your barrier by any means while outside of the Flux.+The Wayfinder’s ability to repair their barrier speeds considerably. By holding an empty hand to their chest, they can repair one armour point on their barrier every five seconds. ​This ability only functions ​while you are in the Flux, and can only be used to affect your own barrier.
 === Durable Inertial Barrier === === Durable Inertial Barrier ===
 The Wayfinder’s barrier’s maximum armour hits improves to six points. The Wayfinder’s barrier’s maximum armour hits improves to six points.
 === Restore the Form === === Restore the Form ===
-The Wayfinder can rejuvenate themselves rapidly while travelling in the flux. Their between-encounter healing increases to four points.+The Wayfinder can rejuvenate themselves rapidly while travelling in the flux. Their between-encounter healing increases to four points, and if they are unwounded they can increase their body hits up to two higher than their maximum.
 === Lash Out === === Lash Out ===
 Early in their careers, Wayfinders begin to instinctively lash out at the eyes of their foes with ribbons of formed Flux. Twice per encounter, while in the Flux, they can call BLIND 5 on a foe that just struck them. Early in their careers, Wayfinders begin to instinctively lash out at the eyes of their foes with ribbons of formed Flux. Twice per encounter, while in the Flux, they can call BLIND 5 on a foe that just struck them.
 +=== Concealed Arts ===
 +You can conceal the obvious visible effects of your Flux abilities. Anyone who is not a Wayfinder will not see any visible effects of any of your Flux-based abilities - Lash outs and Concussive bolts will seem to hit them out of nowhere, and anything you summon or create will be visually indistinguishable from the real thing. Even a Wayfinder with "Know the Flux's Touch" will only be able to notice your powers if you use a proactive combat ability - your barrier is not visible to them.
 === Concussive Bolt === === Concussive Bolt ===
 The Wayfinder can shape the  Flux into a bolt of force to cast at their enemies. The Wayfinder needs to raise an unoccupied hand above their head for fifteen seconds to gather this, then roleplay hurling it at an enemy, causing a STRIKEDOWN. The Wayfinder can shape the  Flux into a bolt of force to cast at their enemies. The Wayfinder needs to raise an unoccupied hand above their head for fifteen seconds to gather this, then roleplay hurling it at an enemy, causing a STRIKEDOWN.
 === Heal The Flux Flesh === === Heal The Flux Flesh ===
-The Wayfinder can rapidly heal any creature formed entirely out of the flux, restoring one body hit per thirty seconds ​of concentration.+The Wayfinder can rapidly heal any creature formed entirely out of the flux, fully healing it over thirty seconds ​or calling HEAL 2 after 10 seconds. If it's on its death count, it stops while this healing is being applied. You need to be in constant physical contact with the creature in question.
 === Flux Summoning === === Flux Summoning ===
-Given considerable time to concentrate,​ the Wayfinder can shape a living, thinking creature out of the flux. The Wayfinder has near-complete control over this creature, able to puppet its mind with a thought. If it runs out of body hits, it will fade away over the next thirty seconds. This process is mentally exhausting, and can only be done once per LARP. The most obvious use is summoning some sort of combat gribbly, but other uses are certainly possible. The creature summoned will persist for at least a few hours, then as long as attention is paid to it if it leaves the Flux.+Given considerable time to concentrate,​ the Wayfinder can shape a living, thinking creature out of the flux. The creature ​is loyal to the Wayfinder and will follow their orders, even if they'​re suicidal. If it runs out of body hits, it will fade away over the next thirty seconds. This process is mentally exhausting, and can only be done once per LARP. The most obvious use is summoning some sort of combat gribbly, but other uses are certainly possible. The creature summoned will persist for at least a few hours, then as long as attention is paid to it if it leaves the Flux.
 === Resilient Inertial Barrier === === Resilient Inertial Barrier ===
 The Wayfinder’s inertial barrier improves to 8 hits. The Wayfinder’s inertial barrier improves to 8 hits.
-=== Extended Stabilisation === +
-Normally, stabilised terrain loses its definition within a few hours of travellers leaving it behind. With this ability, a Wayfinder can choose to significantly extend the duration of stabilisation in their wake, with durations up to a week possible.+
 === Shake Reality’s Fetters === === Shake Reality’s Fetters ===
 Once per adventure, the wayfinder can temporarily shatter the Consensus’s hold on a small area, turning it into Flux for as long as they remain conscious and present. Striking at reality does not come cheap, however. For the rest of the adventure, the character feels on edge and threatened while outside the Flux, and while outside the Flux they cannot be healed above two body hits (though they do not lose any they had on using this ability, nor any they had while leaving the Flux later in the adventure). Once per adventure, the wayfinder can temporarily shatter the Consensus’s hold on a small area, turning it into Flux for as long as they remain conscious and present. Striking at reality does not come cheap, however. For the rest of the adventure, the character feels on edge and threatened while outside the Flux, and while outside the Flux they cannot be healed above two body hits (though they do not lose any they had on using this ability, nor any they had while leaving the Flux later in the adventure).
 +Alternatively,​ a Wayfinder can use this ability while already in the Flux to turn it into something...further from normality. The area becomes somewhat more dull, and all features somewhat less defined and notable. Wayfinders in the area will have much more ready access to their offensive calls, doubling the number of uses of Lash Out, and halving the time taken to use any offensive ability that requires charging. This state is very unstable, and will always end after the current encounter.
 === Destabilisation === === Destabilisation ===
 The Wayfinder is sufficiently in tune with the nature of reality that they are capable of rending the Consensus apart, bringing the Flux to an area. This requires thirty seconds of concentration to prepare. The radius will vary depending on a variety of factors, but can be expected to be anywhere from fifty metres to a few hundred (and may be smaller if the user wishes). Acryn’s council have made it clear that anyone proven to have done this within city limits will face immediate and permanent exile. Whispers within the Wayfinder’s guild suggest that the use of this ability has a permanent and debilitating cost. The Wayfinder is sufficiently in tune with the nature of reality that they are capable of rending the Consensus apart, bringing the Flux to an area. This requires thirty seconds of concentration to prepare. The radius will vary depending on a variety of factors, but can be expected to be anywhere from fifty metres to a few hundred (and may be smaller if the user wishes). Acryn’s council have made it clear that anyone proven to have done this within city limits will face immediate and permanent exile. Whispers within the Wayfinder’s guild suggest that the use of this ability has a permanent and debilitating cost.
 +Additionally,​ this ability can be reversed in order to slow the speed which stabilised flux returns to its natural form. A Wayfinder can choose to significantly extend the duration of stabilisation in their wake, with durations up to a week possible.
 +When a Wayfinder uses this ability to permanently destabilise an area, they are subject to the following effects:
 +  * Become WEAKENED for the rest of the adventure
 +  * Permanently lose 1 body hit while in the Consensus (as if the Consensus is actively hostile to their presence). If this would reduce your total body hits while in the consensus to 0 then you will become unplayable.
 +  * Lose a single memory of the GM's choice.
 === Airblade Shaping === === Airblade Shaping ===
 The Wayfinder can form the air itself into knives to slice at their enemies. The Wayfinder needs to place two empty hands flatly together for fifteen seconds as they gather the material needed to form the blade, then hurl it at an enemy, guiding it with their will towards a weak spot, and calling a REND. The Wayfinder can form the air itself into knives to slice at their enemies. The Wayfinder needs to place two empty hands flatly together for fifteen seconds as they gather the material needed to form the blade, then hurl it at an enemy, guiding it with their will towards a weak spot, and calling a REND.
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 === Flux Resurrection === === Flux Resurrection ===
 If the Wayfinder is killed in the Flux, they will reform over the course of a few hours. This will have Side Effects. If the Wayfinder is killed in the Flux, they will reform over the course of a few hours. This will have Side Effects.
 +Every time a Wayfinder uses this ability they are subject to the following effects:
 +  * Permanent lose of 2 body hits while in the Consensus. If this should result in your body hits in the consensus then your character will become unplayable.
 +  * A new personal history is created around you, with a new name, friends, and family. This is as real to you as your original history (and you will struggle to tell if either is more real than the other). This also affects everyone else. Some may remember adventuring with your alter-ego, families from both lives will recognise you as theirs.
 === Annihilation of Form === === Annihilation of Form ===
 The Wayfinder improves their ability to rend flux creatures, increasing Tear the Flux Flesh’s damage to a DOUBLE every five seconds. In addition, the caster can render the very fabric of existence hostile to a target with a thought, allowing them to use this ability for a SINGLE every five seconds against non-Flux created targets while in the Flux. The Wayfinder improves their ability to rend flux creatures, increasing Tear the Flux Flesh’s damage to a DOUBLE every five seconds. In addition, the caster can render the very fabric of existence hostile to a target with a thought, allowing them to use this ability for a SINGLE every five seconds against non-Flux created targets while in the Flux.
 === Permanent Stabilisation === === Permanent Stabilisation ===
-The Wayfinder may permanently stabilise a stretch of Flux, essentially creating a new band of consensus. ​Use of this ability will come at significant cost.+The Wayfinder may permanently stabilise a stretch of Flux, essentially creating a new band of consensus. 
 +While in this specific patch of consensus, you may restore your body hits in the same manner that you would be able to restore your inertial barrier. You do not gain this benefit if the area has been destabilised. 
 +For every use of this ability, your body hits when in the Flux are reduced by 1, as if the flux is actively more hostile to your presence. If your body hits in the flux are reduced to 0 in this manner then while you are not automatically rendered unplayable, it will be incredibly difficult to play your character as you automatically lose consciousness and start bleeding to death (with no way of being healed) upon entering the Flux. 
 +Every time you use this ability describe an area of psychological weakness to the GM, you will gain **very** minor benefit while in the consensus but also lose any fear or concerns coming from this weakness. The GM should describe the roleplaying effects stemming from this reinforcement such that even with the minor mechanical benefit it is overall a minor handicap. 
 +  * For example: Eric Luckner uses this ability and describes his fear of sharp stabby things (through damage), he is given 2 resists to through damage while in the consensus but is now completely unafraid of Rapiers, Knives, etc while in the consensus.
 ==== Flux Shaping Abilities ==== ==== Flux Shaping Abilities ====
-In general, these abilities take sufficient time to use that they will either be carried out between encounters OR be the focus of an encounter as a party protects a Wayfinder trying to create something. Items created through Flux shaping will usually dissipate within a few hours of leaving it, unless it is constantly observed. However, it they are created in a patch of stabilised flux where it would make sense for them to be found, then there is a chance they will persist in the consensus. For example, if you shape yourself a bushel of apples in the middle of the desert, they will almost certainly depart when you leave it. If, however, you do so in a verdant orchard, they may well persist in the consensus.+In general, these abilities take sufficient time to use that they will either be carried out between encounters OR be the focus of an encounter as a party protects a Wayfinder trying to create something. Basic timeframe to create things is about five minutes. Items created through Flux shaping will usually dissipate within a few hours of leaving it, unless it is constantly observed. However, it they are created in a patch of stabilised flux where it would make sense for them to be found, then there is a chance they will persist in the consensus. For example, if you shape yourself a bushel of apples in the middle of the desert, they will almost certainly depart when you leave it. If, however, you do so in a verdant orchard, they may well persist in the consensus
 +=== Flux Shaping - Items === 
 +The Wayfinder can create standard equipment or provisions from the Flux. 
 +=== Flux Shaping - Landscaping === 
 +The Wayfinder can reshape stabilised Flux into minor geographical features (i.e. grow a tree, create a pile of boulders to hide that awkward corpse), or create walls and small buildings. 
 +=== Flux Shaping - Worldshaping === 
 +The Wayfinder can create larger geographical features - hills, small forests, rushing rivers - or significantly larger buildings, such as castles or city wall sized fortifications. With significantly more preparation (30 mins-1 hour) The Wayfinder can set off natural disasters within the Flux. Earthquakes,​ lightning storms, tornados, falling rocks from above.
-=== Flux Shaping - Provisions=== 
-With extended concentration while in the flux, the Wayfinder can produce food and water to support a small party. Food created in this way is perfectly sustaining as long as it remains in existence. 
-=== Flux Shaping - Equipment === 
-The Wayfinder can produce standard quality equipment that they’ve seen an example of between encounters. 
-=== Flux Shaping - Features 1 === 
-The Wayfinder can reshape stabilised Flux into minor geographical features (i.e. grow a tree, create a pile of boulders to hide that awkward corpse). 
-=== Flux Shaping - Fortifications === 
-The Wayfinder can create mighty walls and small buildings. 
-=== Flux Shaping - Features 2 === 
-The Wayfinder can create larger geographical features - hills, small forests, rushing rivers. 
-=== Flux Shaping - Catastrophes === 
-The Wayfinder can set off natural disasters within the Flux. Earthquakes,​ lightning storms, tornados, falling rocks from above. All eminently plausible. 
 ==== Other Wayfinder Skills ==== ==== Other Wayfinder Skills ====
-=== Hardy === +
-You have +1 body hit+
 === Tough === === Tough ===
 You have +2 body hits You have +2 body hits
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 You gain 1 additional armour hit from wearing light armour. You gain 1 additional armour hit from wearing light armour.
 === Guild Membership === === Guild Membership ===
-You are a member of the Wayfinder’s guild, and have a membership card to prove it. Due to various deals and customs, guild members tend to get paid a premium of 10 Acra on top of normal pay whenever hired for a job involving Flux travel. Membership is also a basic indicator that you can do what you claim while seeking employment+You are a member of the Wayfinder’s guild, and have a membership card to prove it. Due to various deals and customs, guild members tend to get paid a premium of 10 Riel on top of normal pay whenever hired for a job involving Flux travel. Membership is also a basic indicator that you can do what you claim while seeking employment
 === Solid Reputation === === Solid Reputation ===
-Your name is known among Mercantile and Guild circles as someone who can provide wayfinding services. In addition, the premium you are paid due to the Guild increases to 20 Acra.+Your name is known among Mercantile and Guild circles as someone who can provide wayfinding services. In addition, the premium you are paid due to the Guild increases to 20 Riel.
 === Guild Backing === === Guild Backing ===
 The Guild is actively behind you as one of their higher tier members. Major job offers will come your way, and the Guild is willing to go out of its way to smooth over any legal or financial difficulties you may experience. The Guild is actively behind you as one of their higher tier members. Major job offers will come your way, and the Guild is willing to go out of its way to smooth over any legal or financial difficulties you may experience.
 === Guild Councillor === === Guild Councillor ===
-You are sufficiently advanced within the guild to play a part in running it. You will have access to their accumulated studies of the Flux, and will be first in line for any massive contracts. In addition, the premium you can charge for your services increases to 30 Acra.+You are sufficiently advanced within the guild to play a part in running it. You will have access to their accumulated studies of the Flux, and will be first in line for any massive contracts. In addition, the premium you can charge for your services increases to 30 Riel.
wayfinder.txt · Last modified: 2016/10/26 20:05 by toml