Through bringing the gaze of their gods upon themselves, priests can invoke miraculous powers that can both turn the tide of a battle or achieve great wonders outside one. In order to invoke miracles a priest requires some amount of divine attention. Four times per adventure, priests can gain the Gaze of their god, allowing them to work any number of miracles in an encounter. In addition to this, ranks of the divine favour skill allow priests to work a limited number of specific miracles in every encounter. In both cases, invoking material requires a certain duration of religious roleplaying (chanting, praying etc.) before the effect occurs. This does not hinder the priest in any way save the distraction of trying to chant while fighting.
You may buy any number of miracles at each level on the tree, but each costs a skill point. You must have at least one Miracle from a level before you buy a miracle from the next.
Additionally, you get the first level of Divine Aura for free.
As of Oblitus Mundi, all priests and those with Divine Favour need to be blessed by either their god or a priest who has been blessed by their god in order to bind their soul to that source of power. This is a free feature of being a Priest or having a Divine Favour and metaphysically ties your soul to another being. You should note who has blessed you with this pact. Without this pact, you will be unable to use miracles of your god.
If you acquire multiple Soul Pacts for some reason, please note this to the LARPO who will provide you with additional effects.
+1 dodge while in light armour.
Gain the listed amount of extra hits while in light armour.
Gain two extra body hits.
Once per adventure, when you fall over through falling to 0 body hits, you may stand up ten seconds later on full body hits as your god re-invigorates you.
Whenever you are reduced to 0 body hits, you may continue fighting for 5 seconds before falling unconscious. Ignore any additional damage you take during this time (effect calls still affect you).
When you purchase this skill, you also gain any one Miracle skill you could purchase of this skill’s level or lower. In addition to being able to use that miracle while channeling the power of your god, you may always use it ONCE per encounter. You still need to perform the appropriate amount of religious roleplay.
Once per adventure, you may use any one miracle you know of level four of lower without preparation time.
Double the effect of your Divine Aura. In addition, you may invoke a miracle of up to level 2 once per adventure while not under the Gaze of the Gods. This is on top of the Level 1 miracle your initial aura granted you.
You are infused with some of the power of your god. When acting in support of your god’s purview, people and things around you will be affected by this - a Tender priest who works a field will get slightly better results than a lay person, and soldiers will snap off salutes all the more smartly when a leader priest calls them to attention. Once per adventure you can attempt to channel slightly more of this power to achieve a minor boon within your god’s purview, such as a warrior priest blessing a weapon to strike true against a terrible beast, or a builder priest marshalling a team to put up a fortification in hours. This should have a mechanical effect at GM discretion, roughly on the level of granting the effects of a blessed weapon to 2-3 members of the party for an encounter. However, if your god does not approve of the miracle you attempt to call in, it is likely to fail.
You can also sense the flow of divine power, and by concentrating on someone will be able to tell if they are a priest. If you encounter someone with Personal Power, or who is a god, you will be able to tell without concentration.
Once per an adventure, with 15 seconds role play, you can pull down a great chunk of your god’s power to achieve something potent within their purview once per adventure. As long as the miracle falls within your god’s purview, it will come to pass, even if your god does not approve of the precise decision taken - though this can have consequences down the line.
This miracle has the following limits: it may not permanently alter the flux and the miracle cannot affect peoples knowledge or beliefs. The miracle will usually be more impressive/far-reaching with more worshippers of the god present. You may tell the GM what you are intending, but the exact effects will be determined by the GM.
You have a congregation to which you regularly preach. Tithes and donations provide you with an additional 9R between adventures. In terms of mechanic, this congregation is a small resource, but does not count towards the total number of resources you may have. You may choose to invest money in your congregation to upgrade it, at which point it does count towards your total number of resources. You should use the table below for upgrading your congregation. Upgrading you congregation follows the usual upgrade rules. Upgrading the congregation does not cost any skill points.
Name | Level | Type | Cost | Rules |
Small Congregation | 1 | NA | NA | Tithes and donations provide you with an additional 9R between adventures. |
Medium Congregation | 3 | NA | 136R | Tithes and donations provide you with an additional 18R between adventures. Once per adventure, you can call on your congregation to achieve a small appropriate task off-screen, such as tailing a suspect or distracting a unit of guards. |
Small Church | 4 | NA | 320R | Tithes and donations provide you with an additional 27R between adventures. You have a reasonable standing in your church and some sway over your congregation. You can call on them once per adventure to achieve reasonable off-screen tasks (searching for a piece of information, staging a protest or riot). You have the resources to bless items, weapons, and armour as per the Holy Crusader “Blessed Weapon” skill (one per adventure). |
Large Church | 5 | NA | 520R | Tithes and donations provide you with an additional 36R between adventures. You have a good standing in your church and great sway over your congregation. You can call on them once per adventure to achieve reasonable off-screen tasks (searching for a piece of information, staging a protest or riot). You have the resources to bless items, weapons, and armour as per the Holy Crusader “Blessed Weapon” skill (one per adventure). If you have the church backing skill it now extends to Superior Weapons. Additionaly: You may hold a special extended ceremony to lay a permanent blessing upon an individual who fights for your church as a champion, this is a BIG DEAL, and is likely to end badly for you if your champion ever violates the strictures of the church or does something which the Church seniors disagree with. This is the same ceremony conducted on Level 4 Holy Crusaders, although the exact effects are likely to be different. |
Your church views you as a valuable priest and member, and will provide you with any standard equipment you request (within reason). This also provides additional benefits in situations where the church’s influence could be useful.
You are one of the leaders of your church. This provides major influence within the city, and other effects at GM discretion.
The allies of the priest gain a minor benefit due to their devotion. In addition, your faith allows you to invoke any one level 1 Miracle you know once per adventure even when not under the Gaze of the Gods.
Your allies’ wounds close up soon after they open. Your party heals one body hit after each encounter for each level of this skill you possess.
The priests aura further improves, granting the following effects in addition to the existing ones, and allowing them to invoke a miracle of up to level 4 once per adventure while not under the Gaze of the Gods.
Each member of the party can call HEAL 2 on themselves once per encounter at any time they're conscious.
You are a healer and are able to use your skills to restore hitpoints. The process of healing someone can be taxing, and by default all healing abilities (abilities which allow you to call HEAL x) will WEAKEN the character they are used on until the end of the next encounter. Healing abilities will always have a number of free uses (i.e., the number of times an encounter you can use the ability before characters start getting weakened). You cannot treat an already weakened patient unless you are using one of your free uses.
Using medical abilities will also involve a number of seconds of “medical roleplay”, this essentially just means physrepping your treatment but does require using two hands and a patient who is not yourself (unless the skill states otherwise). The Memento Mundi setting supports a reasonable variety of medical practices, so long as you are physically interacting with the patient (e.g., cutting, sewing, herbs, poultices, etc), spiritual healing is the domain of priests and mages.
You may, with 10 seconds of medical roleplay, restore 1 HP to a character on 0 HP. This ability can be used as many times as necessary in an encounter without weakening the patient.
With 10 seconds of medical roleplay, you may restore up to 6HP. You may use this ability three times without weakening the patient.
This ability can be used on yourself, but the difficulty is much greater and cannot be achieved in combat.
You may, with 10 seconds of medical roleplay, restore 4 HP to a character on 0 HP. You can also use this ability to restore anyone on less than 4hp to 4hp between encounters. You may use this ability as many times as necessary in an encounter without weakening the patient.
This ability can be used on yourself, but the difficulty is much greater and cannot be achieved in combat.
You may, with 30 seconds of medical roleplay, fully restore a character’s HP. You may use this ability once without weakening the patient.
The amount of time it takes to use skills requiring medical roleplay is halved. If you have another ability which reduces the time it takes to use an ability then the abilities do not combine, instead use which ever time is lower.
You may use the Patch Up ability an additional 3 times without weakening the patient.
Allows for the diagnosis and treatment of minor diseases, and for the diagnosis of addictions to class C and D potions. While very minor diseases might be curable with a quick herbal preparation, serious diseases and addictions will require the “Suppress Symptom” ability.
You may fight with a buckler, this can be done in one of two ways:
You can use a medium shield. You gain 2 uses of Resist Shatter, Disarm, or Strikedown per encounter against blows which hit your shield.
Additionally, you CAN wield a large shield with this skill, but do not gain any of the benefits of Large Shield use while still losing all dodges, nor can you use other shield skills while using a large shield.
When fighting with a weapon and shield, resists from shield skills can be applied to strikes against either your shield or your weapon.
You can use a large shield. When using a large shield you lose all dodges you would otherwise have. Instead, you gain one use of Resist Shatter, Disarm, or Strikedown per encounter against blows which hit your shield for each dodge you would have had. This is in addition to any resists gained through Heavy Armour Use.
Additionally, you CAN wield a medium shield with this skill, but do not gain any of the benefits of Medium Shield use nor can you use other shield skills while using a medium shield.
When fighting with a weapon and shield, resists from shield skills can be applied to strikes against either your shield or your weapon.
Gain an additional dodge while using a shield.
You gain 2 uses of Resist Shatter, Disarm, or Strikedown per encounter against blows which hit your shield.
You may ignore any Strikedowns which are delivered by melee weapon and impact upon your shield (you may still use your resists against blows which impact against your shield from another source).
10 seconds
HEAL 2 any one target you can see.
15 seconds
This miracle brings the Tenders blessings upon a piece of land and can be used in a few separate ways.
10 seconds
Mass heal 1 party.
5 seconds
Restores 1 hitpoint that you have lost while defending someone who was incapacitated (e.g., Blinded, Rended, or Unconscious). To work, they must still have been incapacitated at the point you started casting this miracle.
15 seconds
This miracle can be used in one of two ways:
30 seconds
When applied quickly, this miracle will heal any natural disease, natural poison, or low level alchemical/magical poisons (Class C & D). While this miracle ensures that there will not be any long term effects caused by the agent currently in the targets body, it will not undo damage that has already been done, and may come with some short-term effects as the agent is purged.
You may also reflexively call RESIST if you are hit with a POISON, so long as you then cast this miracle immediately after. This will protect you from any immediate effects of the poison from this strike. It will usually protect you from any long term effects of the poison from this and future strikes, although you should check with the GM to be certain. To protect yourself from immediate effects (call RESIST) of any future strikes you would need to cast the miracle for each occasion you were struck.
20 seconds
For the next 15 seconds, all weapon blows you strike call HEAL 1 instead of their normal effect.
5 seconds
The priest can remove the effect of a WEAKEN, REND, or WOUND. For the rest of the encounter, that target is immune that effect. The character must either be currently effected by the call or recently effected by the call.
A priest can only use this miracle on any specific character once per an encounter (i.e., a lone priest cannot make a character immune to both WOUND and REND, nor can they change that immunity mid encounter, however a pair of priests could make a character immune to both WOUND AND REND).
20 seconds
A small patch of plant life of the caster’s choice appears and fruits somewhere in the vicinity of the caster. This miracle can also be used to create fast growing vines, allowing the caster to call ENTANGLE BOTH LEGS.
15 seconds
Caster may call YOU DARE NOT STRIKE ME against non-sentient biological foes. Each casting effects a single target.
20 seconds
Heal FULL a target
Healing Wave improves to HEAL 3.
30 seconds
When applied quickly, this miracle will heal pretty much any disease or poison. While this miracle ensures that there will not be any long term effects caused by the agent currently in the targets body, it will not undo damage that has already been done, and may come with some short-term effects as the agent is purged.
When attempting to remove an agent which is part of an active ongoing effect (a curse applied by a mage, a Swan Song poison, etc), the GM should set up some sort of encounter of appropriate difficulty to represent the Priest trying to force this effect from the targets body. If the priest fails, they cannot attempt to purge the effect again during that adventure.
This ability can also be used to completely remove an addiction from a target.
5 seconds
Heal FULL PARTY. The use of this ability will end your gaze of the gods.
Alternatively, you may use this ability to retire. Power erupts outwards from the user in colossal waves. The priest transforms the area in a way that they see fit (although this always makes use of nature in some way). The area becomes stabilised and all who enter the area can tell the location is Holy to the Tender. The effects will vary depending on the disposition and the desires of the priest using the ability, but examples include a spring whose water cures illness and injury, a grove where animals bring the lost and dispossessed, a field of crops which flowers overnight and is ready to harvest each morning, a cave where those who have lost loved ones can commune with those they have lost.
When using the retirement version of this ability you may also use the standard version at the same time.
40 seconds
Restore an individual who has perished recently (the soul must still be present, generally speaking a soul is no longer present after an hour unless some other force was at play). You can also use this ability to restore limbs or cure other catastrophic injuries, although overuse can become draining at GM discretion.