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resources:adventure:an_ecumenical_matter [2015/12/07 22:03]
thomasl [Before the Debate]
resources:adventure:an_ecumenical_matter [2015/12/07 22:51] (current)
thomasl [Faction Standings]
Line 102: Line 102:
-{{tag>"​an ecumenical matter"​ adventure}}+{{tag>"​an ecumenical matter" "jimmy hoskins"​ "​brother miller"​ "marlo darrish"​ "​armand cargan"​ "​penelope cargan"​ "​lucian graves"​ "emily anara" "​felicity morning"​ "​booker"​ "​bartholomew banks" "​francesco antonio-bartholomeo graves"​ "lady rosemile"​ "senta fernbach"​ "simon the repentant"​ "toli nutt" "verro of the sleeping hills" "​xavier octavio sarmandastra" adventure}}
resources/adventure/an_ecumenical_matter.1449525794.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/12/07 22:03 by thomasl