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resources:adventure:nip_it_in_the_bud [2013/02/09 17:34]
resources:adventure:nip_it_in_the_bud [2015/05/14 21:08]
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-====== Nip it in the Bud ====== 
-===== Initial Brief ===== 
-===== PCs ===== 
-Marcus Blackthorn\\ 
-Saul Logan\\ 
-Colin Fletcher\\ 
-Reginald Drake 
-===== Debrief ===== 
-The party successfully thwart the rebel'​s plans and bring in their ringleaders. A very pleased Lompard pays them 100 acra for their efforts.\\ 
-The party are invited to become members of the Counter-Revolutionary Taskforce and Arcus arranges for them to meet with the Council. He also uses the success to fuel his own public ambitions winning support for a future place on the Council. 
-Blackthorn rushes back to the rebel camp and uses his strange ability to sway the revolutionaries to his royalist ways.  Some diehard sorts try to protest but are torn apart by the mob.  The Caulish instructors withdraw warning Blackthorn that they will remember his betrayal.\\ 
-Negotiating with the strange presence that he sensed watching the Mantoi toi 
-{{tag>"​nip it in the bud" adventure}} 
resources/adventure/nip_it_in_the_bud.txt ยท Last modified: 2015/05/14 21:08 (external edit)