Find the Path (free)
Lash Out
Concussive Bolt
Know the Flux's Touch
Patch the Cracks
Flux Shaping - Items
Flux Shaping - Landscaping
Flux Shaping - Worldshaping
Choose the Path
Repair the Form
Repairing Inertial Barrier
Restoring Inertial Barrier
Resilient Inertial Barrier
Inertial Barrier
Durable Inertial Barrier
Airblade Shaping
Heal the Flux Flesh
Tear the Flux Flesh
Annihilation of Form
Wayfinder Insight: Master Shaper: Unmaking
Wayfinder Insight: Master Shaper: Fluxquake
Wayfinder Insight: Master Shaper: Flux Surrogate
Canvas of Creation: Feel the Weave
Tough x3
Light Armour Training x3
Light Armour Swiftness
Use Weapon (bastard weapon)
Weapon Talent 1
Weapon Potency (1xstrikedown, disarm per encounter, 1xshatter per adventure (2-handed))
Guild Membership
Solid Reputation
Guild Backing
Guild Councillor
Divine Aura of the Rampant
Level 1 Miracle of the Rampant: Projected Pain
Level 2 Miracle of the Rampant: Mind over Matter
Personal Power: Personal Aura
(Every member of the party who knows your epithet gains 1 RESIST per encounter to mind-altering effects (DOMINATE, FEAR, MESMERISE, ENRAGE).)
Personal Power: Reflection of Thyself
(In the presence of 8+ people who know your epithet: Each encounter, until you choose to strike, or until 60s after the first attempt to strike you, call IMMUNE to all offensive calls.)
Personal Power: Miracle
Personal Power: Favouritism