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Backgrounds represent additional abilities and experience beyond what is represented by your class. Most backgrounds include a single skill at levels 1 to 3. You MUST have purchased at least one skill within the class at each of the lower levels in order to purchase the next one. Occasionally a skill may have a specific pre-requisite, this will be noted on the skill and you must have purchased the pre-requisite before you may purchase the skill.


The Nobility and Merchants of Acryn share a number of similarities, they both have immense wealth and connections, although the source of their wealth varies. The nobility have built up their wealth for centuries, and will usually have connections with old groups who have shared in their families fortunes. Merchants will tend to have made most of their money themselves and have contacts with primarily mercantile groups. Of course nothing holds perfectly true, and the figure of a noble whose house has been essentially lost before the revolution and who now rebuilds their house with a merchant enterprise has become a recognisable sight within the city.

Level 1


You have access to your families connections and estates in order to generate an income. Instead of the standard wealth scale, you use the one below.

Wealth Level Income
127 Riel
254 Riel
381 Riel
4108 Riel
5135 Riel

Level 2


You may take this skill in one of two ways:

  1. The character has connections and influence among Acryn’s nobility.
  2. The character has connections and influence among two specific groups. Choose two groups from the factions list (other than the wayfinder's guild and council). The Character has connections and influence with these groups. Examples would include: Engineers guild, Circle of the Broken Wing, House Terrec, College of the Stars, etc.

Level 3

Estates or Operations

You can leverage your families estates or your mercantile operations, as well as your own experience with managing them to expand your own personal operations. You can maintain two resources rather than just one.


You may take this skill in one of three ways (you may not take a connection with the same group twice):

  1. The character has connections and influence among Acryn’s council.
  2. The character has connections and influence among Acryn’s nobility.
  3. The character has connections and influence among two specific groups. Choose two groups from the factions list (other than the wayfinder's guild and council). The Character has connections and influence with these groups. Examples would include: Engineers guild, Circle of the Broken Wing, House Terrec, College of the Stars, etc.

Very Tough

Level 1


+2 Body Hits

Level 2


+2 Body Hits

Level 3


+2 Body Hits


Level 1


You have a basic understanding of the channels of power, and can usually find out who you need to speak to to address an issue in a new area.

Level 2

Fast Talk

You’re good at spinning tales, which people tend to listen to. As long as full blown combat is not in progress, you can, once per encounter, say “Just hear me out” and follow it with up to thirty seconds of talking. If you do, intelligent creatures will always listen to the end before kicking anything off, giving you a chance to give your side of the story (or for your three mates to sneak up on them).

Level 3

Attention Grabbing

Your character, through taunts or fast talking, is good at drawing foes attention. After talking to/taunting a target for a few seconds, you can say “keep looking at me”, after which they should do so as long as you continue talking/taunting, and they are not surprised by an attack from another direction (which breaks their concentration on you).


Level 1


As long as you are travelling through relatively normal terrain (woods, plains, tracks, hills etc.), and somewhat more challenging ones (dense forests, mountains) you never receive any penalties for extended travel, and can keep party members happy for longer on the road. You will also find it easier to hunt, track, and otherwise function in these terrains. You gain a DODGE while in any of these terrains.

Level 2

Using the Land

As long as you have a Survivalist skill sufficient to cover the terrain you’re travelling in, gain one ENTANGLE per encounter that can be called at anyone within five metres.

Level 3


As long as you have a Survivalist skill sufficient to cover the terrain you’re travelling in, the whole party gains a dodge. For you, this is in ADDITION to the one you get from Survivalist.


Level 1


The character can carry out field repairs to standard quality armour of all classes, and can fix shattered standard equipment with access to a smithy.

Level 2


As Craftsman one, but the character can repair superior equipment, and gains the ability to field repair standard weaponry and shields. In addition, the character can craft a single standard item between each adventure.


You know how to build most common types of building. When purchasing simple resources you pay only 75% of the cost to represent the purchase of materials and labour used to construct the resource yourself. You may construct resources for other characters, you pay 75% of the cost as usual and pass the resource to the other character in exchange for whatever arrangement has been worked out between your characters.

Level 3


Pre-req: Craftsman Lv2
Pick one of the following:

  1. Adjust Armour: Once per an encounter, you may (with a few seconds work) adjust some armour to give the wearer a single resist to ONE of the following effects, which must be chosen in advance: Strikedown/Rend/Weaken
  2. Adjust Weapon: Once per an encounter, you may (with a few seconds work) adjust a weapon to give the user a single resist to ONE of the following effects, which must be chosen in advance: Disarm/Shatter

First Aid

Level 1

Emergency Aid

You may, with 10 seconds roleplay, restore 1 HP to a character on 0 HP.

Level 2


You may, with 10 seconds roleplay, restore 4 HP to a character on 0 HP. You can also use this ability to restore anyone on less than 4hp to 4hp between encounters.

Patch Up

Twice per encounter, with 10 seconds of roleplay, you may restore up to 6HP, the character is then Weakened until the end of THIS encounter.

Level 3


Pre-req: Patch Up or Medical Knowledge (Doctor Background)
You may, with 1 minute of roleplay, fully restore a character’s HP. They will be Weakened until the end of the FOLLOWING encounter.


Level 1

Emergency Aid

You may, with 10 seconds roleplay, restore 1 HP to a character on 0 HP.

Level 2

Medical Knowledge

Necessary for the diagnosis and curing of minor diseases, and for the diagnosis of addictions. Very minor diseases may well be curable with a herbal preparation. You will always be able to ease the suffering of an individual, and the use of this ability (an hour or two in a settlement) is likely to win you the favour of the locals.

Level 3


Pre-req: Medical Knowledge or Patch Up (First Aid Background)
You may, with 1 minute of roleplay, fully restore a character’s HP. They will be Weakened until the end of the FOLLOWING encounter.

Special Medicine

Twice per adventure you may apply a Strengthen to a character for an encounter with ten seconds of preparation. Additionally, that character may call RESIST to the first call of weaken against them.


Level 1

Mix Potion

You are an Alchemist and treated as such for the purposes of taking and producing Alchemical Potions. You may mix ingredients to produce Alchemical Effects. You have 6 potion slots for mixing potions you know between adventures. You may additionally recognise any potion you know how to mix, you may choose a single Class D potion to learn how to make.

Level 2

Mix Class D Potion

You know how to mix a second Class D potion.

Mix Alchemical Paste

You may mix some potions in such a way that they can be delivered on a blade or by touch (potions will specify if they can be used this way)

Level 3

Mix Class C Potion

Pre-Req: Mix Class D potion You know how to mix a single Class C potion.

Bounty Hunter

Level 1


You are especially skilled at ensuring that your blows are non-fatal. So long as you are calling Single (or less) with a short (36in or less) weapon, an opponent you are engaged with will not sustain life threatening injuries. Once the opponent you are engaging has been dropped to zero hits, you can call HEAL ZERO. If you wish, you may specify that the subdued opponent is unconscious, if you do not then they will be conscious.
Note: This skill represents your ability to cause non-fatal injury, and cannot affect any character already reduced to zero hits.

Level 2

Disarming Blow

Gain 1 use of Disarm per an encounter with a short weapon (under 36in)

Level 3

Advanced Subdual

You are even more experienced with subduing an opponent, and gain the ability to call Doubles with a short (36in or less) weapon while you are using the subdual ability. You must call HEAL ZERO if you drop an opponent while using this ability.


Choose a weapon that you have specialised in.

Level 1

Use Weapon

You may fight with any appropriate weapon physrep of the class you choose. Weapon types available to fighters are:

  • Sword
  • Axe
  • Mace/Hammer
  • Great Weapon
  • One-handed spear
  • Two-handed spear
  • Rapier
  • Staff

If you have the Use skill for a one-handed weapon, and fight with an appropriate weapon of 36“ or less, you may make one WEAKEN call per encounter (this does NOT stack for ambidexing).

Level 2

Weapon Talent 1
  • Great Weapon:You may strike for DOUBLE with a great weapon. You may combine this with effect calls.
  • Axe/1-handed Spear: You gain 2 REND calls per encounter.
  • Staff/2-Handed Spear: You gain 1 STRIKEDOWN calls per Encounter
  • Mace/Hammer/Sword: You gain 2 STRIKEDOWN calls per encounter.
  • Rapier: You gain 2 calls of DISARM or WEAKEN per encounter.
Weapon Finesse

Pre-req: Weapon Talent 1

  • Great Weapon: You gain 3 STRIKEDOWN calls per encounter.
  • All others: Gain 1 dodge while fighting with your chosen weapon.

Level 3

Weapon Potency
  • Great Weapon: You gain 1 SHATTER call per encounter.
  • Rapier: You may strike for SINGLE THROUGH with your chosen weapon.
  • All others: You may strike for DOUBLE with your chosen weapon. You may combine this with effect calls.

Heavy Armour

Level 1

Heavy Armour Use

You may wear Heavy Armour. This gives the user 6 extra hits. While wearing Heavy Armour, all dodges you would usually have become RESIST calls to STRIKEDOWN or REND instead. Additionally you may repair a suit of Heavy armour up to half its total hits.

Level 2

Heavy Armour Training

Heavy armour is worth an additional +2 hits.

Level 3

Heavy Armour Repair

You can fully repair a suit of Heavy Armour. If you could already fully repair Heavy Armour, you instead gain +3 armour hits while using it.

Medium Armour

Level 1

Medium Armour Use

You may wear Medium Armour. This gives the user 4 extra hits. Additionally you may repair a suit of Medium Armour up to half its total hits.

Level 2

Medium Armour Repair

You may fully repair a suit of medium armour. If you already had the ability to fully repair medium armour, you instead gain +2 armour hits while wearing it

Level 3

Medium Armour Training

You gain an additional +2 hits while wearing Medium Armour.

Medium Shield Use

Level 1

Buckler Use

You may fight with a buckler, this can be done in one of two ways:

  • When held in your hand, you may ignore any blow that hits your buckler and may use other relevant shield skills.
  • When strapped to your arm, you may treat blows that hit the buckler as if they had hit your weapon or use relevant shield skills.
Medium Shield Use

You can use a medium shield. You gain 2 uses of Resist Shatter, Disarm, or Strikedown per encounter against blows which hit your shield.

Additionally, you CAN wield a large shield with this skill, but do not gain any of the benefits of Large Shield use while still losing all dodges, nor can you use other shield skills while using a large shield.

When fighting with a weapon and shield, resists from shield skills can be applied to strikes against either your shield or your weapon.

Level 2

Shield Swiftness

Gain an additional dodge while using a shield.

Level 3

Solid Defence

You gain 2 uses of Resist Shatter, Disarm, or Strikedown per encounter against blows which hit your shield.

Large Shield Use

Level 1

Large Shield Use

You can use a large shield. When using a large shield you lose all dodges you would otherwise have. Instead, you gain one use of Resist Shatter, Disarm, or Strikedown per encounter against blows which hit your shield for each dodge you would have had. This is in addition to any resists gained through Heavy Armour Use.

Additionally, you CAN wield a medium shield with this skill, but do not gain any of the benefits of Medium Shield use nor can you use other shield skills while using a medium shield.

When fighting with a weapon and shield, resists from shield skills can be applied to strikes against either your shield or your weapon.

Level 2

Solid Defence

You gain 2 uses of Resist Shatter, Disarm, or Strikedown per encounter against blows which hit your shield.


Level 1

Use Bow

You may use a bow/crossbow, arrows from which do a DOUBLE by default and may not be DODGED (unless a skill states otherwise).

Level 2

Bow Mastery

You gain 1 DODGE while holding a bow or crossbow, or while you are putting it away.

Bow Talent 1

Pre-Req: Bow Mastery Lv2 You may add STRIKEDOWN to your damage calls (do not combine effect calls) when using a bow or crossbow.

Level 3

Bow Mastery

You may call TRIPLE with a bow or crossbow, which may be combined with effect calls.


Level 1


You have basic criminal talents, such as lockpicking or sneaking past a sleepy guard at night.

Level 2


You are exquisitely skilled at striking deadly blows on unprepared targets. If you strike a blow on someone from behind with a dagger without them noticing you before the blow struck, you may call BACKSTAB QUAD THROUGH.


You are skilled at stealthily ranging ahead of the party and getting into prime positions. Any time a combat starts that is not a sudden surprise to your party, you may choose to begin the encounter in cover away from the main party. Monsters will usually not notice you until you move or take an offensive action.

Level 3


Pre-Req: Backstab You are skilled at disabling foes with a backstab. You may choose to call BACKSTAB QUAD REND when using a backstab.


Level 1


You have basic criminal talents, such as lockpicking or sneaking past a sleepy guard at night.

Level 2


If you spend five seconds uninterrupted in close proximity to another person without them paying attention to you, you may tell a GM and you will have stolen something from their pockets.


You are skilled at stealthily ranging ahead of the party and getting into prime positions. Any time a combat starts that is not a sudden surprise to your party, you may choose to begin the encounter in cover away from the main party. Monsters will usually not notice you until you move or take an offensive action.

Level 3


Pre-Req: Pickpocket You are adept at putting together a disguise to cover your looks.


Level 1

Knife Fighter

You may call SINGLE THROUGH with daggers

Level 2

Dagger Mastery

You gain one dodge while fighting with a dagger in either hand.

Dagger Talent

You gain Two REND calls while fighting with a dagger in either hand. If you fight with a melee dagger in each hand, you gain this effect for both.

Level 3

Dagger Mastery

Pre-Req: Dagger Mastery Lv2 You may call DOUBLE THROUGH with daggers.

Two Weapon

Level 1

Two-Weapon Swiftness

You gain a dodge while fighting with a weapon in each hand (including a main-gauche).

Level 2


You may fight with a weapon of any length you can use in either hand.

Level 3

Weapon Catching

While fighting with a Main Gauche or dagger in your off hand, you may call one DISARM per encounter.


Level 1


You can drink 2 additional potions a day with no danger of developing an addiction.

Level 2


You can drink 3 additional potions a day with no danger of developing an addiction.

Level 3

Heightened Resilience

You can drink 3 additional potions a day with no danger of developing an addiction. Additionally you are extremely resistant to disease, even if you do develop an illness it is unlikely to be as serious as it would be in anyone else.

Special Backgrounds

The following backgrounds represent more in depth and defining aspects of your character's past, and thus take two of your background slots to purchase.

Dabbler Mage

You have some magical talent, but not enough to truely be considered a mage. Either you are a dabble who has never invested the time and effort to truely learn, or you were simply not talented enough to pick up the skills and abilities required to master the art. You may use mana crystals as usual. A true mage who takes this background will instead gain a free level 1 spell from their primary rite. A dabbler mage gains a pool of protomana casts they can use per adventure before any further casting attempt will cause a burnout.

Level 1

Spell Power

Choose one level one spell from your rite. You know and can cast that spell. You can cast up to four spells per adventure and a maximum of two per encounter using protomana before any further casting will cause a burnout.

Level 2

Spell Power

Choose one level one spell from your rite. You know and can cast that spell. You can cast up to two additional spells per adventure and an additional one per encounter using protomana before any further casting will cause a burnout.

Protomana Tolerance

You may cast one spell per encounter using protomana without it counting towards your per adventure limit. Your casting cap per encounter remains the same.

Level 3

Greater Spell Power

Choose one level two spell from your rite. You know and can cast that spell. You can cast up to two additional spells per adventure and an additional one per encounter using protomana before any further casting will cause a burnout.

Divinely Favoured

You are a lay-worshipper of one of the gods of Acryn. For some reason you have found your words have power, and that by chanting and praying to your god you can bring about minor miracles. People with this background are often travelling preachers, missionaries, or those lay-worshippers who devote the bulk of their lives to aiding the churches. You must choose a single god that favours you. At character gen, a Priest may take this background for a free level 1 miracle. Priests may pick this background up in play, with suitable IC justification. A priest with the Divinely Favoured background will realise that using the abilities given to them by another god while they have the gaze of the gods upon them will end badly, almost certainly losing them their gods favour and becoming an excommunicant.

Level 1

Miraculous Power

Choose one level 1 miracle from the priest tree for your god. You may use this miracle once per encounter by carrying out the appropriate length of roleplaying.

Level 2

Miraculous Power

Choose one level 1 miracle from the priest tree for your god. You may use this miracle once per encounter by carrying out the appropriate length of roleplaying.

Divine Aura 1

You gain the Divine Aura 1 ability appropriate to your god.

Level 3

Greater Miraculous Power

Choose one level 2 miracle from the priest tree for your god. You may use this miracle once per encounter by carrying out the appropriate length of roleplaying.

backgrounds.1382732662.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/14 21:09 (external edit)