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price of knowledge

Initial Brief



After being dumped on the margush docks Book-err procures a cart with a small bribe and after loading his two dead and one insensate companion onto the cart sets off. Between them him and Alice manage to avoid all of the patrols until they can get a caravan out of the Margush. Anders and unit zero three wake up halfway back to Acryn and by the time they get back are feeling sort of better. Anders goes to see Patricia Carxus and gives her 8 mana and 200 hundred riel in return for not cursing her. After hearing that her brother is dead however she gives 150 back and heads off towards Margush to attempt to take over the house.



  • 310 Riel
  • A book of prophesies concerning Acryn and the founders. As it retains a true accounting of all their deeds in the past and some yet to come it is a potent artefact of the founders. One encounter per adventure by recounting the deeds from the book rather than chanting normally, this requires two hands as the book is quite large, the chant times for all miracles are halved.

Unit zero 3

  • 310 Riel
  • Has Gained the quirk. Knowledge of the ages.


  • 260 Riel
  • Has gained the Quirk knowledge of the ages.


  • Unfortunately died.

Knowledge of the Ages

Having attempted to read the first book you have been blasted by all the knowledge ever written down. Whilst this is too much for any one brain to comprehend you can occasionally look into the maelstrom to divine some knowledge useful to your current situation.

Once per adventure you can attempt to recall some information which may be useful to your current situation. Doing so may get you relevant information if it was at some point written down. You will have trouble communicating with those who are not so enlightened however and for this and the next encounter you will be unable to communicate , by talking or writing , in a comprehensible manner.

Your brain is however slightly out of your control. Every time you read anything you will have violent flashbacks to the event and take a 30 second rend as you lie insensate on the floor.

resources/adventure/price_of_knowledge.1408832116.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/14 21:08 (external edit)