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The Penitent Damned

Initial Brief



In the aftermath of the revelations that Gaspard Cargan was working with the penitent damned to try to force through the anti-magic measures on the council they mostly fall through. One solitary measure is passed creating a new offence on the statute books for the reckless or foolish use of magic, this is mostly to appease those who believe magic should be more tightly restricted.

The trial of Gaspard Cargan goes through with almost unseemly haste and he is executed for treason against the city. Control of house Cargan remains nominally with the duchess but in reality the true power now lies with Walter and Vinchenzo Cargan.

The Raven women has remained in the Custody of house Cargan. Whilst there is an active effort being made to track down the binding Mage as his appearance is circulated.



  • Has the dagger used to stab the rampant. Blessed by the power of the traitor this has stolen a part of the Rampants power allowing it to be used by the wielder. Choose one of the Rampants miracles, you may cast this miracle once per encounter with 10 seconds of religious role play as long as the dagger remains in your possession. The dagger will also ping as divine.
  • A part of the puppet masters essence was trapped in Penelope's soul by Booker. His power broken he has no control over Penelope. She is now immune to any magic he may attempt to cast on her in the future and will instantly recognise his control on any other controlled individual she meets.
  • Has the Rampants mastercrafted cheese knife.
  • Has impressed the high ups in house Cargan and may now buy the noble background if she wishes.
resources/adventure/the_penitent_damned.1441659305.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/07 20:55 by matthewa