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Corporal Jack Fields


Class: Wayfinder
Background #1: Heavy Armour
Background #2: Weaponry: Sword

  • Find the Path (free)
  • Know the Flux's Touch
  • Inertial Barrier
  • Repair the Form
  • Use Sword
  • Heavy Armour Use
  • Wealth 1 - Valuable Soldier Salary

Income 35 Acra
Cash 0 Acra
XP Spent 6
XP Unspent 0

  • Standard Sword
  • Standard Dagger
  • Standard Heavy Armour
  • Alchemy:
    • Restoration of the Flesh x 2
    • Plug the Flow of Life x 2
    • Rage x 2
    • Stoneskin x 2
    • Armour Oil x 1
    • The Veil x 1

Character Notes:

  • A member of the Circle of the Broken Wing, on long term loan to the teams that patrol the borders of the consensus (thanks to his new-found ability to detect and manipulate the flux). A lay-worshipper of Aetheyta, he has languished in this role and now spends his downtime seeking adventuring parties to travel the Flux.


user/beornwulf/pc/jack_fields.1349034614.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/05/14 21:09 (external edit)