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Faith and Hope

Initial Brief

The Council puts out a call for adventurers to track down the Last House of Andrinavana the Untamed.


Jimmy Hoskins - Joe W
Vincent Barma- Vicky


After it becomes clear that the herb gardener appears to have stolen the tenders body from it's burial place Jimmy and Annabel use there contacts to track down some of herbs gang. After a brief discussion they find that the herb gardener is meeting his patron in the college of the stars. They quickly travel their and arrive to find the herb gardener seemingly talking to a bush at their approach he sics his goons on them and flees upwards into the dragon. The party quickly follow but he seems always one step ahead as the forest seems to part around him before closing up to inhibit their passage.

Eventually the party stumble across some of herbs cultists. After being beaten down it emerges that the gardener seems to be attempting some ritual to corrupt the Tender. With this knowledge the party press only to find themselves in a peaceful tranquil glade. There are several people in the glade who invite them to eat. The party are naturally quite suspicious and this only grows as the encounter continues. Eventually when jimmy attempts to leave with one of them several of the others morph into large plants and attempt to stop them. Jimmy eventually solves the issue by stabbing the prisoner and carrying her to safety in his sword. This has the effect however of shattering the sword as it attempts to hold a soul too powerful for it.

Carrying on the party come across a ritual in full progress around the body of the tender. As they move to intervene it seems as if the participants are fighting amongst themselves before someone cracks the fabric and the tender herself is pulled through as a lush calm forest seems to superimpose on the forest of turean. After beating back the Herb gardener again the party talk to the turncoat who is to no ones great surprise a follower of the traitor. He attempts to persuade the party to bring the traitor through as well to help but fails to persuade them as they decide instead the push through the warring forest towards the centre of the calm zone. As they do they fight of the vines and beasts of turean. At one point Jimmy falls and lies seemingly dead upon the floor. Vincent attempts to drive out the whatever is effecting him and instead meets with jimmy's sword. After learning that only the sword can truly kill him vincent calls on the tenders power to resurrect jimmy.


resources/adventure/a_tender_heart.1435586643.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/06/29 14:04 by matthewa