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Circles in the Sand

Initial Brief

Rupert Gregory, a senior member of the Council of Acryn, in a show of good-will following the laying of a Waystone of Aetheyta the Wanderer in Acryn, wishes to make a pilgrimage along several of the Waystones connecting Acryn to their neighbours. They are currently looking for volunteers who wish to be involved in the pilgrimage with him.

Uptake appears to be low, as the councillor is apparently not employing anyone, so much as offering the chance to pilgrim with him. Although as he is a senior figure in both the Council and the Spicers Guild, it seems to offer a good opportunity for networking and making a name for yourself.



resources/adventure/circles_in_the_sand.1363523722.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/14 21:08 (external edit)