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The Monster Prince


The Monster Prince was, until recently, an unremarkable flux entity. However, following the events of The Way Through The Woods, he has become… a little more real.

He came into being as the fourth iteration of a rumour based around the supposed death of Mirabelle Greenglade, following Phileas Grinning's adaptation of the story in “Tales of the Wyldewode”. In Grinning's account, the Monster Prince was a lonely recluse, locked up in a castle in the middle of the woods, awaiting his one true love with only a large group of servants for company. The story went that, if a virtuous peasant could ever find it in their heart to marry him, his curse would be broken and he would be restored from his monstrous form.

In The Way Through The Woods, a group of adventurers successfully saw him wed to one of his flux servants, a groom who had secretly been harbouring feelings for him. While the union transformed him into a handsome prince, he was also inadvertantly made more “real” by Bartholomew Banks, who, discovering a wilted rose in a hidden room, invoked the power of the Tender to cause it to sprout into a healthy-looking bush. The long-term effects of the Prince's reification are unknown, but he seemed upset at the prospect - particularly given that his servants and, indeed, his new husband, remained pure flux….


resources/npc/the_monster_prince.1450045885.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/12/13 22:31 by swampselkie