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Balthazar the Enchanter


Balthazar is a studious student at the College of the Stars and has been studying for some time. He and his wife, Vera, met at the College, were wed and studied together. Vera was far more capable than Balthazar ever was, but it was during one fateful day that her experiments got the better of her and she was killed in a magical accident.

Balthazar, stricken with grief, began to lose touch with reality. His colleagues would report him spending longer and longer in the libraries and experimenting and spending a lot less time talking to, well, anyone. Things changed somewhat, however, when he received a mysterious gift of an item said to be capable of restoring the dead to life. He studied it and believed he could use it to bring Vera back…

…a while later, he found himself face-down in a pile of sand as the staff containing his wife was being removed by force by the Man of Many Means and Otto Strang. He began to come to his senses but knew one thing: his wife's soul was trapped in that Staff and he needed to get it back.


Class: Mage

Primary Rite: Wounding
Secondary Rite: Scribing

Background #1: Craft

Background #2: Organisational Ties: College of the Stars


Level 1

  • Spell: Symbol of Creating
  • Crafter 1 (repair all armour)
  • Protomana Tolerance
  • Mana Sense
  • Scholar (income 14R)

Level 2

  • Enchant Weapon
  • Spell: Symbol of Storms




  • 5 Body Hits
  • 2 Armour Hits
  • 3 Protomana


  • Income 9R + 14R
  • 50R
  • 2 Standard Swords
  • Standard Light Armour


user/thomasl/pc/balthazar_the_enchanter.1451399597.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/12/29 14:33 by thomasl