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The Heart of the Matter

Initial Brief

The following call for assistance begins to make its way about the less reputable parts of Acryn. A rumour in a bar, a message passed in the shade of a dark alleyway: there's a job going, and it's a big 'un. Those who know where to look eventually uncover the details: an opportunity for those willing to take it.

Those who are interested in unimaginable wealth, who have the skills to acquire it, mindset to take it, and mentality to not think twice about it are invited to congregate by the statue on the East Side of Founder's Square at 12 noon on the third Saturday of the month. Be prepared.



While congregating with other thugs and rabble near Founders Square, the four members of the party were picked out of the crowd by some shadowy individuals suggesting that they should follow a lead they have from their employer at the Greenslade Emporium. Reluctantly, but given nothing else was happening, the party turn up to the bookshop where a cagey Bothwart Greenslade explained how he'd found a recently stabilised Vault underneath the city containing vast amounts of wealth, and items of interest. He explained he had a fracturing ritual in a knife that could get them in, and that in return for the party breaking out of the Vault to allow everyone else in to cover their tracks that they could have first pickings of the contents of the Vault. Pushed for details, Greenslade explained that he was after a certain piece of headgear inside the Vault, and when pushed for more details went as far as to explain he was working with various others, but that their interests did not conflict.

The party left, and following Greenslade's directions entered the continuous party of the Rampant beneath Founders Square, whereupon they craftily drugged the partygoers in order to allow them to use the ritual knife uninterrupted. They used the ritual and via a short draconic trip arrived in a stone walled corridor. Exploring, they encountered various guard golems, puzzles and traps of magical and divine construction. In particular, they took interest in the alchemical cores of the Guard Golems. Arriving at a treasure room, they believed they had found gold but it was deemed fake just as the area was plunged into Flux and the lot were attacked by a group of Wayfinder Thugs who believed they'd gotten the upper hand. Quickly dispatched, all but one were disposed of by Leopold and Karlos, before more people appeared in the tunnel that had been worldshaped in, a curious group including a Wayfinder “Mr Grey” had hired to be a back-up plan and a group of followers of Zozimos the Curious (and the godling himself). They shared food and stories with them, and agreed in exchange for information about what's in the vault that Zozimos would assist with projects they had in mind.

Deciding another wayfinder would be a good idea, Karlos used a manipulation ritual to brainwash the fellow they interrogated (and was already drunk), before taking a challenge from a Locksmith Mage in the Zozimos troupe and attempting to unlock a very complex door by eating it. Karlos learned the combination to unlock it, but by using Consume and Assume gained an aspect of the esoteric door which had parts that would move seemingly disconnected from other cogs.

Moving on, the party delved deeper into the Vault. A fiendishly tight walkway in absolute darkness saw Mr Grey plunge to certain death, but after quickly regenerating he dispatched several security golems before leaping into the air to rejoin the party. More golems dispatched, eventually the group end up in the deep vault, a room littered with gold and inhabited by Ravens. The Ravens pestered the party while a golden one teased them about a riddle over one more vault door reading “SPEAK NO GREATER THAN LOYALTY”. Upon investigating the door, Karlos was sucked into the inside of the door by touching it. Believing this to be the way through, the others followed suit and became trapped. Eventually, Karlos managed to gnaw his way through and a small hole was created large enough to climb through and the party ended up in a room with a variety of artefacts being held by statues.

Karlos picked up a laurel, providing him with leaderly qualities, while Simon spotted the Heart of Arcus Blackthorn and pocketed it. “Mr Grey” picked up a dark, sharp knife on one statue, when suddenly a light blinded everyone in the room and they were accused of being servants of Abraxis stealing from the Leader. Simon immediately used the power of the Traitor to leave the vault leaving his compatriots to fight of the security systems. Eventually they succeeded, blasted their way out of the vault and used their wayfinder to worldshape their way out as Simon encountered Hierarch Bastian and a squad of Leader Priests responding to the alarm. They accosted him, but Simon continued to use the gaze of the Traitor to get out, shouting the name “Abraxis! Abraxis!” as he did.


resources/adventure/the_heart_of_the_matter.1471802092.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/08/21 17:54 by toml