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alexander everett


A young upstart and political radical, Alex has set himself the task or eradicating the status of nobility and redistributing the wealth of the country. He is extremely vocal about his views and he is currently passing around pain-stakingly hand written essays decrying the council, the upper class, and the poor provisions for the worst off in society, and working as many jobs as he can to be able to afford a printing press.


Class: Fighter

Background #1: Dabbler Mage


  • skill #1
  • skill #2


The Fete
After an interesting encounter with a few fairies, an attempt to keep a few kids under control that failed miserably, and a near miss where he considered tying himself to Felicity supposedly forever, Alex finds himself 50 Riel up and only mildly injured and addicted from the encounter. Entirely worth it, right?

The Freeforms After the Fete
As it turns out, a fair few nobles seem very receptive to his ideas! Lucian Graves has promised him part of the funding he needs to buy a printing press on the condition that he can make up the remainder of the sums, which he's determined he will. This hasn't seemed to be hindered by his dalliance with Tabitha Terrec, who Lucian appears to be courting. Meanwhile, though he is still unsure how deep his personal feelings run for Tabitha, he's excited at the prospect of their partnership, in political ideals and now in their potential law firm 'Terrec and Everett'.

As of the 36 Hour
A lot happened over the course of a few days; he helped bring in a dangerous criminal wayfinder, then, horrified by what they planned to do with him and the precedent it set, he and Tabitha attempted (fruitlessly) to find a legal loophole to stop this. After that adventure he helped to rescue a missing girl (though sadly not the other party who had gone in to find others who had gone missing). The mission was successful, though he promised to compensate Hardy for the heal zero potions he had to use, and to buy Lionel a drink, and said he that he would wave part of his fee for the distraught mother… But on the bright side he should still have enough to buy his printing press!

Speaking of which; the purchase sparked a conversation with Armand Cargan, during which, against all probable odds, he appeared to gain a powerful ally. After talking for a while, Armand promised help with the law firm, and gave him an ominous warning about the conversation Jimmy Hoskins was to have with him and the case he would be sending his way through Xavier.

Incidentally, he may have joined the cult of the Great and Mighty Xavier, but he's not entirely sure…

user/alexander_everett/pc/alexander_everett.1474219064.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/09/18 17:17 by alexander_everett