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'Doctor' Theophilius Cargan


A mercenary with a somewhat bloody reputation, Theophilius (please, call me Theo) is a rather overenthusiastic mage with a poorly-developed understanding of property law. Theophilius is a member of House Cargan, and most definitely not an ambitious foundling from the island of Thys.

Recently, Theophilius liberated a golem, called 'Pig'. Pig has proved an invaluable research assistant and faithful squire. Who else is going to carry all of his healing potions?

(After Fetch Quest)

Theo starts to feel strange about his treatment of Pig.

There are rumours that there will be a party held to celebrate Theo's return from Thys, and welcome him formally into house Cargan. Whilst on the one hand this is excellent news, on the other, Theo can't help but feel a strange sense of foreboding…


Class: Mage (Fracturing)


  • Weapon Use (rapier)
  • Heavy Armor Use


  • 11 hits (5 body + 6 armor)
  • Singles, 3 protomana, 2 disarm/weaken p/e, 1 blind 5 p/a
  • 8 XP

Skills - Passive

  • Use Implement
  • Use Rapier
  • Mana Sense
  • Heavy Armour Use
  • Weapon Talent 1
  • Distill Mana
  • [Mana Simulation]
  • Protomana Tolerance 1

Skills - Spells

  • Fault of Footing
  • [Sapping Steel]
  • [Symbol of Creation]


  • 9 riel (wealth level 0)
  • Cash in hand: 36 riel.


  • Standard Heavy Armor
  • Standard Rapier
  • Standard Dagger (implement)
  • 1 mana crystal

[NB - Skills in square brackets are placeholders]


user/seb/pc/theophilius_krave.1454750591.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/02/06 09:23 by seb