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Basic Maintenance

Initial Brief

The Clockmaker's Guild has placed a contract up for tender. It appears to deal with fixing some of their property. It requires contractors to pay a deposit for loan of the equipment needing maintenance, and offers a sliding payment scale ranging from small amounts for information on possible solutions, middling amounts for fixing the equipment, and large amounts for a generalisable solution should this ever happen in the future.

While it is not explicitly stated in their contract, it is clear to those in the know that the equipment being discussed is one of the clockwork golems the guild is famous for.


Adventure Summary

  • Clockmakers Guild vet adventuring party and make them put down a deposit for golem safekeeping
  • Walker stumps up the deposit money in exchange for a cut of the profits
  • Clockmakers explain that a foreign substance has been injected into Unit-06's alchemical core
  • The person who produced the substance, the Gardener, was a shadowy underground figure, now deceased
  • Their best lead is that the Gardener studied under a legendary alchemist
  • Clockmakers give party old map which they hope will lead to them.
  • After fighting off some flux beasties, the party find a curious mirror.
  • A person emerges from the mirror and offers them passage into the realm beyond, where they have encountered the alchemist they seek
  • They explain that the realm is unsafe since the appearance of strange entities
  • The party encounter strange 2d cut-out like humanoids which poison them horribly
  • The party encounter strange mirror creatures which take on their personalities, and leave Pig to their mercy as they escape
  • The party meet the Alchemist who explains that they need two things to fix Unit 06: a reagent from the quicksilver lake, and a working alchamical core to compare to the one Unit 06 has
  • Forced by necessity, the party extract Pig from the clutches of the mirror creatures.
  • The party make their way through an icy forest and see the Quicksilver Lake is guarded
  • The entities guarding it, ice colossi, demand an intrinsic part of the personality of anyone who wants passage to the lake
  • After some tribulation, with Walker determining that they should give up their love for their family, Dirk steps forward and offers his pride in exchange. Many many bottles of reagent are gathered.
  • Having obtained the reagent, the Alchemist induces a deep trance like state in the party so they can venture into the inner world of Unit 06 to attempt to drive out the poison by finding a suitable source of power
  • The party fight strange monkeys, swirling cogs and snowflakes, and then static
  • Unit 06 is forced to choose between what appears to be the statue of a grand and mighty king, an Anvil, and a representation of Pig. After some deliberation, Unit 06 plumps for the Anvil.


resources/adventure/basic_maintenance.1468099293.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/07/09 21:21 by seb