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Memento te Ipsum

Initial Brief

Recent reports from Acryn's assets in the Serradic Empire have indicate that a group of scholars from the Grand Academy in Batra have recently recruited an assortment of mercenaries from the Fighting Schools of Tovis. According to the intelligence gathered so far, the group appears to be headed to a recently discovered archaeological site in the Great Desert some distance north of Junnes.

The People's College, with the support of the Council, has determined that a small expedition should be funded to investigate this site and prevent any important discoveries from falling into the hands of the Empire. There is also a hope that amongst the influential members of the Imperial party there may be those sympathetic to our values; their recruitment could be of great advantage to Acryn's long term relations with the west.



Having emerged from the Vault the adventures find that Colin has regressed to an animalistic state that they recognise as a sign of the Soulless. As Mar and Gidner hold the frightened man still, the Splintered Man reaches out to the consensus and draws forth a new Will to inhabit the body of their former comrade. As the new will settles into place it brushes against the dissolving remnants of Colin's thoughts and declares “I am nobody.” They try to comfort and reassure this new person, and Howard claims himself as his father, giving him the name Blake. 'Blake' agrees to come with them and the group head to the river with their guard of Sentinels, watching from the bank as the ancient ghosts plunge themselves into the waters and vanish into a twinkling cloud of memory crystals.

The group then returns to speak with the Warden, who thanks them for their great service to the city and is enthusiastic about the prospect of the Truthseekers having allies on the Outside. They also meet with the Serradic representative who confirms that his party are being treated well, and that the Empire too shares the view that the Skiran's for all their reliance on magic, are nonetheless doing the world a service and should be granted reasonable aid in their endeavours.
Before departing the group try to track down Hugh and with the Warden's blessing he is turned over to their care. As he is reunited with his family a fleshy draconic beast bursts forth from his chest and burrows deep into Howard's torso, to the consternation of everyone. Gidner offers alchemical assistance and prepares a treatment regime to lure the creature into slumber only to awaken when Branch's own life is ebbing away.

Wanting to repair the damage of their entrance to the inner realm, Howard leads the group back to the gates where once a labyrinth stood and worldshapes the twisted passageways back into being. Hopefully a sufficient protection against draconic remnants even with the local guardian dead. With that task done the he drags the party into the lost places and they trace a route through that broken landscape back to the world outside. On the threshold they once again face the protectors of the consensus but this time they are able to prevail without internal conflict.

The party step out of the Lost Places back onto the borders of the dig site. As the mercenary guards shout in alarm from the walls of their palisade, the group blithely wave their letter of passage and head off back to Acryn. Speaking with their employers at the People's College the party explains that the Serradics had unearthed an ancient dragon gate site, but that the gate itself was shattered beyond use and the Imperial party were abandoning the place as without interest. The professors are obviously disappointed but have no reason to doubt the party and pay them for their risky journey into enemy territory.


  • 30R Payment from the College for your fact finding
  • Over the next few days a further 100R makes its way to each of you from a number of government departments, apparently a result of tax rebates, scholarship programs and grant schemes.
  • Your minor memories are gone. You generally retain anything that was important to you, but thousands of small details of your past just aren't there.


  • Burning Soul Epic tree
  • Born of Possibilities tree/quirk
  • Crimson-skinned appearance


  • Path of Transformation Epic tree
  • Born of Possibilities tree/quirk
  • Knowledge of the Ages quirk
  • Crimson-skinned appearance


  • Split Insight - Moves between a Scion of the Flux and a Harbinger of the Consensus, xp being transferred into an equivalent skill. Frequency of the shifts are at GM discretion but should be checked at minimum at the start and midpoint of a larp and any time he attempts to exit a Lost Place.
  • Born of Possibilities tree/quirk
  • Hideous Faceless form - Without his mask his splintered, jumbled features induce terror and nausea in other humans allowing him a single FEAR call. He should keep track of how many times he does this.
  • Quiescent Symbiote Manipulation
  • Crimson-skinned appearance


  • Lone Defender against the Tempest Epic tree
  • Moulded by your own Hand quirk


  • Divine Favour of the Traitor
  • Divine Favour of the Splintered Man
  • Crimson-skinned appearance


  • Divine Favour of the Splintered Man
  • Faceless form - Without a mask his face appears completely non-descript and unremarkable to casual observation. If attention is drawn to him then the effect becomes disturbing as the lack of any defined features becomes evident to the viewer.

Work in progress

resources/adventure/memento_te_ipsum.1436144034.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/07/06 00:53 by joew