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richard silver


In the time since the revolution many of the noble houses were banished and forced to flee and hide. Richard was born to one such exiled house. Unable to care for him, the remnants of his family called in favours with the Circle, who took the boy in. But he would not just be the beneficiary of their hospitality, no the boy would earn his keep. And so he grew, he trained he fought with them. As the memories of his absent family faded now the only life Richard can remember is with the Circle. In his youth he spent time in Liarus and was converted to become a follower of the Tyrant King, impressed by tales of the mighty beast. But like many in the Circle, his heart belongs to Acryn, and the stories of its golden age.


Class: Fighter

Background #1: Divine Favour Tyrant King

Background #2: As above


Divine Favour

  • Miraculous Power: Exultant Roar
  • Miraculous Power: Predator's Focus
  • Divine Aura
  • Greater Miraculous Power: Procession of the Tyrant's Gift


  • Use Rapier
  • Potency
  • Finesse
  • Talent
  • Improvised Weapon
  • Talent 2
  • One with Weapon
  • Supremacy
  • Affiliation: Circle of the Broken Wing
  • Reputed
  • Backing
  • Champion
  • Tough
  • Tough
  • Tough
  • High Pain Threshold
  • Absurdly Tough
  • Single Hand Perfect Defence
  • Improved Determination
  • Light Armour + 1
  • Light Armour Swiftness
  • Burly
  • Mighty
  • Beyond Mortal Strength
  • Battle Rage

Dashing Swordsman

  • Signature Move
  • Single Handed Focus
  • Roll With The Blow


  • Aura

Has been called a champion of the Tender by the First and Least channelling the Tender, however does not bear their symbols, choosing instead to represent the Circle.

When he bleeds his blood appears to be somewhat infused with mana. This means that any open wounds will ping as mana to mages and also gives him access to the mana distillation skill for free.


user/harryh/pc/richard_silver.1461619636.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/04/25 21:27 by harryh