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Gidner Waycox


The child of recent immigrants to Acryn, Gidner never really feels that at ease in Acryn with its overbearing focus on the Four Gods and the Five Dragons. He is a lot more at home in his local community, where he works as a priest in the church of Dol Darrun, the Dreaming Ocean. That doesn't tend to pay the bills, so he's channelled his expertise for alchemy, learned as part of his priestly rites, into academic and adventurous achievement. The changes the Upheaval has worked on the gods of Acryn have stirred his curiosity, and so he adventures hoping to find a way to truly reach the Ocean.

The Dreaming Ocean is worshipped by a small group of a few hundred or so in Acryn, with a much larger group of faithful a lengthy journey away. It teaches of a great dark ocean composed of the thoughts and memories of everyone who has ever lived that we swim in when we dream and when we die. Worship tends to focus on the ritualistic taking of hallucinatory sacraments and the sharing of experiences and knowledge within the group, and active faithful tend to work in fields where they see and learn all about the world.


  • Shop - A small potions shop with an upstairs meeting house for Gidner's cult. +20 acra per adventure. Can sell 1 item worth 100 Ac for its market value between adventures.
  • Battle Magister of Acryn - has a professorship at the People's College, earning +20 acra per adventure and getting access to students.

Income: 70 acra per adventure.

Wealth: 0 Ac


  • Veil: 1
  • Rage: 1
  • Restoration of the Flesh: 1
  • Life Flow: 1


  • Superior Light Armour


Class: Journeyman (Alchemist)

Background #1: Diplomat

Background #2 and Extended Training #1: Divinely Favoured

XP: 27

Spent: 27

Level: 5


  • Level 1:
    • Emergency Aid
    • Mix Potion (Rage)
    • Diplomat
    • Tradesman
    • Well-Travelled
    • Medical Knowledge
    • Edge of Slumber
    • Well Versed
  • Level 2:
    • Patch Up
    • Mix Potion Level 2 (The Veil)
    • Resuscitate
    • Ancestral Memories
    • Extremely Well Versed
  • Level 3:
    • Mix Potion Level 3 (Monstrous Aura)
    • Mix Potion Level 3 (Restoration of the Flesh)
    • Mix Potion Level 3 (Grenado)
    • Improved Skill Focus
    • Advanced Application
    • Flood of Experience
    • Special Medicine
    • Suppress Symptom
    • Combat Master
  • Level 4:
    • Mix Potion Level 4 (Smelling Salts of Ultimate Power)
    • Immensely Well Versed
    • Advanced Application
    • Treat
    • Special Medicine
    • Patch Up
  • Level 5:
    • Mix Potion Level 5 (Life Flow)
    • Potency
    • Alchemical Manipulation
    • Master of Biology


user/jamesi/pc/gidner_waycox.1393067156.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/14 21:08 (external edit)