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Pig (Unit-01)


Pig is a clockwork golem belonging to Theophilius Cargan. It is extremely damaged, with pieces of broken machinery hanging out of its side, but seems happy in its current state, resisting any attempt to fix it. It gets its name from the squeals frequently emitted by its rusty, battered clockwork.

It is generally very dutiful towards its master, although it does behave a little petulantly at times. It seems to realise that Theophilius Cargan is not its original creator, but credits him with 'liberating' it and making it as happy and pretty as it is today. Its memories of its existence before Theophilius acquired it are hazy at best.

Pig has a keen if somewhat unusual sense of aesthetics. It displays a degree of vanity regarding its own broken appearance, treating others' expressions of concern as mere manifestations of their envy. More than anything, it adores the colour red, especially in… liquid form. Consequently, it appreciates that humans have an inner beauty that it lacks - it just can't understand why people are so unwilling to let their inner beauty out. It dreams of gore-spattered sheep.

As of Fetch Quest, Pig has become good friends with Experiment No. 17 (“Sev”), and enjoys frequent play dates with the paper golem.

As of A Study in Scarlett, and thanks to Evan, Pig now constantly produces a fountain of blood that courses down through its body and - if it doesn't control itself properly - all over the place. Evan has also given it a doll that spurts blood of its own - Pig calls the doll Philia. Pig likes Evan.

Pig recently became friends with Raina Reynard, shortly before everything went wrong for it. It was recaptured by the Clockmakers' Guild, tortured and brainwashed. Restored to factory settings, it no longer remembers its old friends; nor does it answer to “Pig” - it is Unit-01, property of the Guild.

As of Night of the Rooster, Unit-01 has recovered some of its old memories, along with letters from Theo and Sev. Its programmming has been thoroughly challenged by Evan (in the guise of Unit-21). It is now the property of Jimmy Hoskins.

As of Fair Game, Unit-01 is beginning to rebuild its sense of self. It doesn't entirely know what it is yet, but it does believe it is gaining the greatest upgrade of all: self-awareness. It is developing a dream of extending this upgrade to all of its siblings, liberating them, and probably converting its former persecutors in the Clockmakers' Guild into some variety of gore composite….



Journeyman Medic


Non-Human (Clockwork Golem):

  • Armoured (3+2)
  • Owned (by Theophilius Cargan)

Use Weapon: Mace

Large Shield Use


  • Use Weapon: Mace
  • Large Shield Use
  • Emergency Aid
  • Resuscitate
  • Mix Alchemy: Paranoia's Embrace
  • Mix Potion: Grenade
  • Crafter (Lv 1)
  • 2 x Tough +2


  • Standard Light Armour
  • Standard Mace
  • 5 x Grenades
  • 1 x Paranoia's Embrace
  • 2 x Armour Oil


  • 3+6+2 hits
  • Income: 9R
  • Current Funds: 9R
  • Level 2
  • 9/11 XP


user/swampselkie/pc/pig.1459068459.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/03/27 08:47 by swampselkie