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Penelope Cargan, Damned Traitor

(note: there are two Penelopes on the Wiki due to user page confusion/kerfuffle. This is the active one…)


Penelope was never particularly liked by the Cargan family. Maybe it was bad blood, or maybe it was her penchant for getting into trouble as a child no matter what her parents told her to do and expecting to be bought out of it. Eventually enough was enough and Penelope was told to leave and come back when she had learned how to act like an adult.

So off she went, travelling the world as best she could, using up what money she was able to smuggle out with her to pay for Wayfinders to help her get around until eventually she disappeared completely for months, reappearing only when she arrived back at the Cargan estate declaring that she had found religion and was now a devout Priestess of the Leader.

Dubiously she was let back in, but without any of the benefits the rest of the Cargan family enjoy until she truly proves herself to have changed.

Update as of The Penitent Damned: Penelope has gained the favour of her dear Uncle Walter after doing a number of jobs with him and, more in particular, saving his life and helping uncover a conspiracy by Gaspard Cargan to ban mages. She was restored to the House, gaining again the advantages of being a Cargan.

Update as of Ocean of Nightmares: Penelope has been outed as a Traitor Priest by using a Traitor Miracle to help take on a Dragon. Uncle Walter expressed surprise that Penelope was as competent a liar as that and threw her a party… long story short, she's now in charge of the First Acryn Church of the Traitor. Well, the first public one.

Update as of Anniversary: Penelope is made of blood, has lost her Superior equipment and the fragment of the Rampant that was stored in her knife is now stored in a stone fist which resides in her Church.

Update as of An Ecumenical Matter: Under Hoskins's Law, Penelope's church is banned. She and her followers quickly scatter and she returns to the Cargan Estate with what she can take from the church as they abandon it. She is also now courting Francesco Graves.

Update as of Matters of Trade: Penny now has a formed layer of skin again – her face is as it was before, but her hair is now red like Armand's and she is “sexier”. She is also an excommunicant of the Traitor, unengaged from Francesco and has fled her Uncle's estate.


Class: Priestess

Background #1: Divinely Favoured

Background #2: Nobility - Cargan

Epic Trees Accessible:

  • True Face of the Traitor
  • Guardian of Dreams
  • Shadow Symbiote


Skills Level 1

  • Divine Aura (Leader)
  • Use Dagger
  • Diplomacy
  • Larceny
  • Divine Favour - Weak Spot
  • Miracle - Drop Your Weapon!
  • Wealth
  • Congregation
  • Tough

Level 2

  • Miracle - Instil Might
  • Dagger Mastery 1
  • Dagger Talent 1
  • Backstab
  • Tough
  • Improved Divine Aura
  • Touch of Divinity
  • Fast Talking
  • Traitor's Cloak
  • Connections: Nobility (House Cargan)

Level 3

  • Divine Favour 2 - Playing Dead
  • Dagger Mastery 2
  • Miracle: Helping Hand
  • Miracle: Cease Your Deceptions!
  • Miracle: Barricade Unbarred
  • True Face of the Traitor: Particularly Favoured - Playing Dead
  • Church Backing
  • Disguise

Level 4

  • Divine Favour 3 - This is Not How it Ends
  • Divine Majesty
  • Miracle
  • Distraction
  • Miracle: You Dare Not Strike Me!
  • Miracle: Hardened
  • True Face of the Traitor: True Name of the Traitor
  • Tough

Level 5

  • True Face of the Traitor: Cold Heart of Reason
  • Miracle: Between Blinks
  • Hierarch


  • Drop Your Weapon! (15s)
  • Glove of the Poisoner (30s)
  • Weak Spot (15s)
  • Always the Correct Path (60s)
  • Instil Might (10s)
  • Playing Dead (20s)
  • Helping Hand (20s)
  • Cease Your Deceptions! (30s)
  • Barricade Unbarred (30s)
  • This is Not How it Ends (5s)
  • You Dare Not Strike Me! (20s)
  • Hardened (15s)
  • Mind Over Matter (10s with the Knife That Stabbed The Rampant) Only in the presence of the giant stone fist sitting in her rooms.
  • Between Blinks (30s)

Income 54R (Noble Wealth 2)

11 body hits
3 armour hits


1 DODGE per encounter
DOUBLE THROUGH damage on daggers
2 REND per dagger per encounter
Aura - 2 x resist FEAR or 2 x +1 damage

Miracles per encounter:

  • 1 use of Weak Spot (10s)
  • 2 uses of Playing Dead (15s)
  • 1 use of This is not how it ends (5s)
  • 1 use of Mind Over Matter (10s with the Knife That Stabbed The Rampant) Only in the presence of the giant stone fist in her rooms.

Miracles outside of Gaze of Gods

  • 1 lvl 1
  • 1 lvl 2
  • 1 lvl 4


  • A part of the puppet masters essence was trapped in Penelope's soul by Booker. His power broken he has no control over Penelope. She is now immune to any magic he may attempt to cast on her in the future and will instantly recognise his control on any other controlled individual she meets.
  • Penelope is in charge of the First Acryn Church of the Traitor (which everyone is weirdly okay with except Vincent Cargan who is not okay with it).
  • True Name of the Traitor: call upon the name of “Abraxis” to instantly gain Gaze of the Gods (and count as having chanted for 30s) once per adventure.
  • Penelope is made of blood.
  • Penelope is Excommunicated and has committed a crime against the Traitor of such appalling magnitude that the Traitor has turned her gaze on Penelope in wrath.


Generally Equipped

  • Superior Light Armour
  • 4 Standard Daggers


  • 142R
  • Scattered Remnants Small Church (featuring Simon, the repentant urchin)
    • Large stone fist pinging divine
  • 10 x Death Ward
  • 1 x Revenant
  • The Heart of Arcus Blackthorn (ignore the effects of CEASE YOUR DECEPTIONS!)




user/thomasl/pc/penelope_cargan.1454420783.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/02/02 13:46 by thomasl