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Mar "Anders" Andreya


Typically known by the nickname “Anders”, Mar is a Caulish devotee of the Lord of the Rock. Originally part of a rough but devout group of rogues, she was one of the two surviving members who reached Blackstone Temple with the party during the events of Testament. For restoring the temple and aiding with the return of its looted adornments, she earned the blessings of her god. Returned from that Lost Place, she is currently staying in Acryn on a pilgrimage to spread the word of the Lord of the Rock.

She has something of a sense of honour, and tries to remain considerate of others. However, she firmly believes that the Lord of the Rock's favour was earned through sticking her mission out and getting the job done, and so she attempts to be reliable and competent, and above all to complete her missions and do her god's work whatever that may require.


Class: Fighter [F]

Path: Holy Crusader [H]

Background: Divinely Favoured (Lord of the Rock) [D]


  • skill #1
  • skill #2

XP: 1


user/chaos/pc/mar_andreya.1385347264.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/14 21:08 (external edit)