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Francesco Antonio-Bartolomeo Graves


Witty, charming and subtle are all words that you would not use to describe Francesco Graves. The son of the Duke's younger sister is mostly known for getting obscenely drunk at parties and for an incident involving two prostitutes, the ornamental fountain and a chaise longue at a dinner party hosted by Galia Terrec (which he conveniently claims to have no memory of). After being ordered by his mother to cease spending his entire time in the company of loose women (and even looser men) and make something of his life or risk being disinherited, he decided to enroll in a course at the College of Stars. To the horror and disbelief of his family it transpired that he actually had quite a talent for magic, which was especially shocking as most of them had previously believed that he was barely capable of tying his shoelaces by himself without the assistance of one of his valets. A third hand account reported the Duke as saying “really, scribing magic? But I didn't think he could read.” There are others who believe that Francesco is really covering for some dark and hidden scheme because in all honesty no one could actually be that stupid and obnoxious.

He has recently taken to adventuring on the grounds that “well it might be a bit of a lark” and even with a generous family allowance there are only so many pairs of new shoes one can buy.

He appears to have acquired a number of hangers-on, mostly consisting of young nobles even stupider than he is. To the surprise of pretty much everyone, not least Duke Corlo himself, his reputation within the family has started to improve after being involved in a number of missions for the good of the family.


Primary Rite: Scribing
Secondary Rite: Wounding

Background #1:Noble

Background #2:Use Weapon: Staff

Epic Trees: Favour Transcending Death (Blessing of a Vine Spirit), Forged by Hierarchy

Skills Mage:

  • Primary Rite Level 1: The closed eye
  • Primary Rite Level 1: Symbol of Creating
  • Primary Rite Level 2: Symbol of Storms
  • Primary Rite Level 2: Symbol of Skybreak
  • Primary Rite Level 3: Symbol of Entrenchment
  • Primary Rite Level 3: Symbol of Knowledge
  • Primary Rite Level 4: Symbol of Removal
  • Primary Rite Level 4: Symbol of Protection

* Primary Rite Level 5: Symbol of Calamity

  • Secondary Rite Level 1: scar of the soul
  • Secondary Rite Level 2: scar of the heart
  • Secondary Rite Level 3: theft by scar
  • Secondary Rite Level 4: cut the thread
  • Use Implement
  • Protomana tolerance 1
  • Protomana tolerance 2
  • Protomana Tolerance 3
  • Scholar
  • Mana Sense
  • Tough 1
  • Minor Ritualist
  • Ritual Caster
  • Master ritualist
  • Distill mana
  • Advanced mana distillation
  • Retrieve Implement
  • Mana Simulation
  • Implement Experience
  • Dragonsoul Implement


  • Use Weapon: Staff
  • Weapon Talent 1
  • Weapon Potency


  • Noble Connections
  • Wealth 2 (Trust fund)
  • Council Connections

Epic Tree: Favour Transcending Death

  • Mark of the Soul
  • Circumstance Best Avoided

Epic Tree: Forged by Hierarchy

  • Kneel before me
  • Ensnare minion
  • Contacts (The Honourable Society of Bartholomew's Inn, family Graves)

Epic Tree: Arcane Curse

  • Draconic Insight
  • Draconic Influence
  • Acceptance of Fate

Total XP spend 43

Next Skill Purchases

  • More wealth
  • protomana tolerance 4
  • Symbol of production
  • symbol of becoming
  • steal the scarred soul
  • Arcane learnings→loremaster


  • 1 x standard staff (Implement)
  • 1 x standard rapier
  • 1 x standard light armour
  • 2 x Death Ward
  • 0 x Heal 4 potions
  • 0 x Heal 2 potions
  • 64 Riel
  • A creepy rope doll made of earth and clouds- counts as a significant component related to the rites of binding or unification (Merged with evil heart)
  • Income: 68 Riel
  • 7+2 hits
  • 1 strikedown and 1 weaken per encounter
  • 1 shatter per adventure
  • 12 x mana crystals
  • Resource- Arcane Library (Journeyman Knowledge: Noble Bloodlines, extremely well read, +1 mana to a ritual)
  • Resource- Wizard Tower (Small estate)


  • Mark of “The Protector” on the sole of left foot
  • Bears the ill-will of the anomaly known as Green Thomas
  • Small horns on forehead, blood that tastes of wine and smells of wine and spices.
  • 3 beastmen lackies who hope to one day see their humanity restored
  • Evil heart, studded with mana and rope made of earth and sky. Corrupted by Carleon. Increases maximum charges to 5, allows Francesco to float a foot above the ground and when a heart is publically sacrificed to it allows him to cast 4 spells from any available rite of level 4 or less with the charges from his heart.
  • Right hand bears the mark of a hammer and also scales corrupted by Carleon.
  • 2 Ritually enchanted scribing books, one of which can be used to communicate with Vanessa the stanchion and the other with the soul of a dead mage in the afterlife.
  • Curse of Carleon- once per adventure an encounter of extreme suggestability at GM discretion
  • A small piece of the Shepard's brain and the knowledge of how gods work. Grants him +2 mana to his next ritual involving a god, which can take him over the usual maximum of 5.
  • Where his eyes once were sits a dark abyss, framed by a tiny row of teeth around thelids. For some reason he is unable to hide this using any method either mundane or arcane.
  • Has the ability to recognise a god.

Cult progress

A crazy guy called Frank and a black mantoi.



user/vickyh/pc/francesco_antonio-bartolomeo_graves.1424018569.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/14 21:08 (external edit)