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Below is a list of NPCs who exist in the setting material and/or who have appeared in adventures. GMs should feel free to use NPCs listed here, should add more of their own, and should attempt to keep all pages updated with each NPCs appearance.


Acryn Civil Service

Acryn City Watch

College of the Stars

Peoples College of Acryn

The Churches

  • Auln (disgraced) - Former First and Least of the Church of the Tender
  • Faria Carver (disgraced and imprisoned) - Former Leader of the Church of the Leader
  • Leana - Grand Master of the Church of the Warrior
  • Sister Patience- Priestess of the Tender who runs a hospital outside the city.
  • Brother Elior - Acolyte responsible for the maintenance of the sacred candles in the Church of the Founders.

Wayfinders Guild

The Guilds

  • Isabella D'Strada - Head of the Spicer's Guild and member of the Council (deceased and corrupted by dragons, then deceased again)
  • Kythera Kassel- Guild-mistress of the influential Watchmakers' Guild
  • Fauntleroy le Marche - Master Patissier at the Honorable Guild of Patissiers and Confectioners
  • Knight Commander Julius Ravensfall - Commander of the Circle of the Broken Wing
  • Sarah - A wayfinder…thing that works for Julius Ravensfall
  • Felicia Jones - A member of the Clockmaker's Guild involved in the design and creation of the Unit series

The Nobility

The True Council


Metaphysical Entities of Note



  • Seneschal - Ghostly Protector of the city of Atium.
  • Lucius - Formerly the Demiurge of the Magisterium and the first dragon born.
  • Dawn - Companion of Lucius



Historical People of Note

Foreign Parts


  • The Markov Family - One of the industrial powerhouses of Caul and amongst the richest families on the continent.


The Serradic Border

  • Mallina- Commander of the Steel Wall.
  • Callibass- Mad Mage living outside Junnes

Liaran refugees

  • Lord Azores- Considered the the most powerful individual in the city of Liarus
  • Corpsewalker - A mercenary Wounding Mage who appears able to possess the dead.

Across the Eastern Ocean


  • Truthseekers - Crimson-skinned secret hunters from the hidden realm


  • Saga - The current Primate of Shatu the Radiant Dawn
  • Sher - Saga's sister, now high priestess of Sinna the Shadow of Dusk
resources/npcs.1460409462.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/04/11 21:17 by vickyh